The name Cecilia is usually given to a Girl.
And we are pleased to let you know that we found the meaning of your name, Blind.
The origin of the name lies in Latin.
Cecilia is pronounced as SahSIYLYah
We searched the entire web for you to find the meaning of the name Cecilia not only the meaning but also other characteristics such as gender, origin, pronunciation and much more...
More info
Cecilia originates in Latin language and means "blinded". Saint Cecilia was the patron saint of music. In English-speaking countries the name has been used since the 18th century. It was popularized by the song of the same name by Simon and Garfunkel.
Sources for Cecilia
Look below for all our sources of where we found the name Cecilia with a small summary. To learn even more about Cecilia feel free to look at the pages below.
Cecilia- Blinded, s-SEE-lee-/s-SEEL-y , Latin on BellyBallot
English, Finnish, Italian, Latin, Spanish
Cecilia originates
In Latin language and means "blinded".
Saint Cecilia was the patron
Saint of music.
In English-speaking countries the name has been used since the 18th century. It was popularized by the song of the same name by
Simon and
Meaning, origin and history of the name Cecilia - Behind the Name
Latinate feminine form of the
Roman family name
Caecilius, which was derived from Latin caecus meaning "blind".
Saint Cecilia was a semi-legendary 2nd or 3rd-century martyr who was sentenced to die because she refused to worship the
Roman gods. After attempts to suffocate her failed, she was beheaded. She was later regarded as the patron
Saint of music and musicians.
Due to the popularity of the
Saint, the name became common in the
Christian world during the Middle Ages. The Normans brought it to England, where it was commonly spelled
Cecily — the Latinate form
Cecilia came into use in the 18th century.
English, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch, Romanian, Finnish
/sɛ.ˈsiː.li.ə/(English) /sɛ.ˈsiːl.jə/(English) /t͡ʃe.ˈt͡ʃiː.lja/(Italian) /θe.ˈθi.lja/(European Spanish) /se.ˈsi.lja/(Latin American Spanish) seh-SEEL-yah(Danish, Norwegian)