The name Courtney is usually given to a Boy or Girl.
And we are pleased to let you know that we found the meaning of your name, A French Dynasty Name.
The origin of the name lies in French.
Courtney is pronounced as KORT-nee
We searched the entire web for you to find the meaning of the name Courtney not only the meaning but also other characteristics such as gender, origin, pronunciation and much more...
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Courtney most likely originates in Old French language and means "one with short nose". It was derived from an old French surname and as a surname it functions until today. Some sources also suggest its Irish origin and the meaning "descendant of Curnan". Today, it can be used as both feminine and masculine given name, the feminine one being much more popular. The famous bearer, with a slight change in spelling, is the American actress Courteney Cox.
A French Dynasty Name
Sources for Courtney
Look below for all our sources of where we found the name Courtney with a small summary. To learn even more about Courtney feel free to look at the pages below.
Courtney- One with short nose, KORT-nee, Irish on BellyBallot
One with short nose
Courtney most likely originates in Old
French language and means "one with short nose". It was derived from an old
French surname and as a surname it functions until today. Some sources also suggest its
Irish origin and the meaning "descendant of Curnan". Today, it can be used as both feminine and masculine given name, the feminine one being much more popular. The famous bearer, with a slight change in spelling, is the American actress
Courteney Cox.
Meaning, origin and history of the name Courtney - Behind the Name
From an aristocratic
English surname that was derived either from the
French place name
Courtenay (originally a derivative of the personal name Curtenus, itself derived from Latin curtus "short")
Or else from a
Norman nickname meaning "short nose".Originally more common as a name for boys in
America, it became more popular for girls in the 1960s. It began rapidly increasing after 1973, possibly due to a character (played by
Natalie Wood) in the television movie The Affair. It reached an apex in the United States ranked 17th in 1990, though it has quickly fallen away since then.