The name Echo is usually given to a Girl.
And we are pleased to let you know that we found the meaning of your name, Reverberating Sound.
The origin of the name lies in Greek.
Echo is pronounced as EK-oh
We searched the entire web for you to find the meaning of the name Echo not only the meaning but also other characteristics such as gender, origin, pronunciation and much more...
More info
Echo originates in Greek language and means "woman of sound". In Greek mythology, Echo was a mountain nymph who was in love with her voice and could sing and play many musical instruments. Derived from that, echo is a reflection of sound in acoustics. As a feminine given name it is rather rare in the United States.
Reverberating Sound
Sources for Echo
Look below for all our sources of where we found the name Echo with a small summary. To learn even more about Echo feel free to look at the pages below.
Echo- Woman of sound, E-ko, Greek on BellyBallot
Echo originates
In Greek language and means "woman of sound".
In Greek mythology,
Echo was a mountain nymph who was
In love with her voice and could sing and play many musical instruments. Derived from that,
Echo is a reflection of sound
In acoustics. As a feminine given name it is rather rare
In the United States.
Meaning, origin and history of the name Echo - Behind the Name
From the Greek word ἠχώ (
Echo) meaning "
Echo, reflected sound", related to ἠχή (eche) meaning "sound".
In Greek mythology
Echo was a nymph given a speech impediment by
Hera, so that she could only repeat what others said. She fell
In love with
Narcissus, but her love was not returned, and she pined away until nothing remained of her except her voice.