The name Gervasius is usually given to a Boy.
And we are pleased to let you know that we found the meaning of your name, The person who is always working with the spear..
The origin of the name lies in Latin.
We searched the entire web for you to find the meaning of the name Gervasius not only the meaning but also other characteristics such as gender, origin, pronunciation and much more...
The person who is always working with the spear.
Sources for Gervasius
Look below for all our sources of where we found the name Gervasius with a small summary. To learn even more about Gervasius feel free to look at the pages below.
Meaning, origin and history of the name Gervasius - Behind the Name
Possibly a Latinized form of a Germanic name with a first element deriving from
Ger "spear". The second element is uncertain, though some propose it to be Gaulish *wassos "servant". Alternatively the name could be related to the Greek word γεραιός (geraios) "old".
Saint Gervasius was an early martyr from
Milan whose remains (along with those of Protasius) were discovered in the 4th century by
Saint Ambrose.
He was thought to have lived a century or two earlier.
Germanic (Latinized)