The name Kari is usually given to a Boy or Girl. And we are pleased to let you know that we found the meaning of your name, Pure. The origin of the name lies in Scandinavian. Kari is pronounced as KA-ree
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Kari is a Norwegian variant of Katherine. Katherine originates in Greek language and means "chaste, pure". It has been one of the most popular feminine given names over centuries and with various spellings all around the world. Historically, it was a favourite name especially in Christian world. Katherine is the name of many saints, the most popular probably being Catherine of Alexandria, a 4th century martyr. It was also a popular name within royalty in different countries. The variant spelling Catherine is also very frequent.
Look below for all our sources of where we found the name Kari with a small summary. To learn even more about Kari feel free to look at the pages below.