The name Maryam is usually given to a Girl.
And we are pleased to let you know that we found the meaning of your name, Sea, Flower, Bitter.
The origin of the name lies in Arabic.
Maryam is pronounced as mah-RIY-aam
We searched the entire web for you to find the meaning of the name Maryam not only the meaning but also other characteristics such as gender, origin, pronunciation and much more...
More info
Maryam is an Iranian and Arabic variant of Maria. Maria, or Mary, is the name used in the New Testament, ultimately derived from the Hebrew name Miryam. There are several possible meanings of Miryam, some of them being: "lots of bitterness", "wished for child", "bitter", "rebellious". Mary is the name of different characters in New Testament, the most important ones being the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene. The name has been extremely popular for centuries, especially among Christians.
Sea, Flower, Bitter
Sources for Maryam
Look below for all our sources of where we found the name Maryam with a small summary. To learn even more about Maryam feel free to look at the pages below.
maryam- Rebellious woman, MAH-ree-yahm, Hebrew on BellyBallot
Maryam is an Iranian and Arabic variant of
Maria, or
Mary, is the name used in the New Testament, ultimately derived from the Hebrew name
Miryam. There are several possible meanings of
Miryam, some of them being: "lots of bitterness", "wished for child", "bitter", "rebellious".
Mary is the name of different characters in New Testament, the most important ones being the Virgin
Mary, mother of
Jesus, and
Mary Magdalene. The name has been extremely popular for centuries, especially among Christians.
Maryam | Girl's Baby Names | Bounty
Maryam is the Ararbic version of the name
Mary. It also has a Hebrew meaning of "bitterness".
Meaning, origin and history of the name Maryam - Behind the Name
/ˈmar.jam/(Arabic) /mæɾ.ˈjæm/(Persian) /ˈməɾ.jəm/(Urdu)
Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Indonesian, Bashkir, Tatar
Arabic form of
Miryam (see
Mary) appearing
In the Quran. It is also the form used
In several other languages.
In Iran it is also the name of a flower, the tuberose, which is named after the Virgin