The name Nina is usually given to a Girl.
And we are pleased to let you know that we found the meaning of your name, Little Girl.
The origin of the name lies in Spanish.
Nina is pronounced as NIYNah
We searched the entire web for you to find the meaning of the name Nina not only the meaning but also other characteristics such as gender, origin, pronunciation and much more...
More info
The name Nina has a lot of meanings, depending on the language of origin. In Slavic languages, it is a short form of names that end in -nina, eg. Giannina, Antonina. In Persian it means "kind", in Hindu "kind eyes", in Native American "outstanding", in Swahili "mother", in Arabic "friend" and in Old Greek "blossom". It also bears the Spanish meaning "little girl" from the word 'nina' itself.
Sources for Nina
Look below for all our sources of where we found the name Nina with a small summary. To learn even more about Nina feel free to look at the pages below.
Nina- Little girl, NEE-n, Spanish on BellyBallot
The name
Nina has a lot of meanings, depending on the language of origin.
In Slavic languages, it is a short form of names that end
In -nina, eg.
In Persian it means "kind",
In Hindu "kind eyes",
In Native American "outstanding",
In Swahili "mother",
In Arabic "friend" and
In Old Greek "blossom". It also bears the Spanish meaning "little girl" from the word '
Nina' itself.
Nina | Girl's Baby Names | Bounty
Derived from Hebrew, meaning God was gracious and has shown favour.
May also come from the Spanish 'nina' meaning little girl.
Meaning, origin and history of the name Nina (3) - Behind the Name
/ˈnʲi.nə/(Russian) /ˈniː.na/(Italian, German) /ˈniː.nə/(English) / /ˈni.nɑ/(Finnish) /nʲɪ.ˈnɐ/(Lithuanian) /ˈɲ /ˈnɪ.na/(Czech) /ˈ
Russian, Italian, English, German, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Dutch, Polish, Slovene, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Belarusian
Short form of names that end in
Nina, such as
Antonina or
Giannina. It was imported to Western
Europe from Russia and Italy in the 19th century. This name also nearly coincides with the Spanish word niña meaning "little girl" (the word is pronounced differently than the name).A famous bearer was the American jazz musician
Nina Simone (1933-2003).