The name Rosalind is usually given to a Girl.
And we are pleased to let you know that we found the meaning of your name, Pretty Rose.
The origin of the name lies in English.
Rosalind is pronounced as RAAZahLahND
We searched the entire web for you to find the meaning of the name Rosalind not only the meaning but also other characteristics such as gender, origin, pronunciation and much more...
More info
Rosalind originates in Germanic languages and means "delicate, gentle horse". The original spelling was Rosalynde and only in the Middle Ages, influenced by Latin rosa linda, meaning "pretty rose", it changed into Rosalind. It was popularized in Edmud Spenser's The Shepheardes Calendar, and later on in Shakespeare's As You Like It. Rosalind is the name of a moon of Uranus, as well as a play by J. M. Barrie.
Sources for Rosalind
Look below for all our sources of where we found the name Rosalind with a small summary. To learn even more about Rosalind feel free to look at the pages below.
Rosalind- Delicate horse, ROZ--lind, Germanic on BellyBallot
Rosalind originates in Germanic languages and means "delicate, gentle horse". The original spelling was Rosalynde and only in the Middle Ages, influenced by Latin
Rosa linda, meaning "pretty rose", it changed into
Rosalind. It was popularized in Edmud
Spenser's The Shepheardes Calendar, and later on in
Shakespeare's As You Like It.
Rosalind is the name of a moon of
Uranus, as well as a play by J. M.
Rosalind | Girl's Baby Names | Bounty
Meaning 'horse' or 'sheild of lime wood' or 'rose'.
Meaning, origin and history of the name Rosalind - Behind the Name
Derived from the Old
German elements hros meaning "horse" and lind meaning "soft, flexible, tender". The Normans introduced this name to England, though it was not common. During the Middle Ages its spelling was influenced by the Latin phrase rosa linda "beautiful rose". The name was popularized by
Edmund Spencer, who used it in his poetry, and by
William Shakespeare, who used it for the heroine in his comedy As You Like It (1599).