Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Abdulkareem Servant Of The Most Generous
mars Abdulkarim One who helps kind-hearted and giving personality
mars Abdulkawi Active and quick mind ability to investigate different ideas
mars Abdulkhaaliq Servant of the Creator
mars Abdulkhabir Slave to the all-aware or informed
mars Abdulkhafiz One who supports the most descended
mars Abdulkhalik Derived from Arabic Abd al-Khāliq word that means servant of the extender
mars Abdulkhaliq Meaning servant of the Allah or servant of the creator
mars Abdulla Variant of Abdullah (Arabic) which means Allah or God's servant
mars Abdullafif One who serves generous and kind people with grace
mars Abdullah Servant Of Allah
mars Abdullateef One who Serves a Kind Man; Servant of the Subtle
mars Abdullatif A person who supports merciful, kind and gentle personality
mars Abdulmaajid Slave of the noble, excellence and gracious
mars Abdulmaalik Servant of the Lord, King and Master
mars Abdulmagid A devoted individual who helps glorious and famous one
mars Abdulmajeed A person with clever and good mind ability helps glorious one
mars Abdulmajid This Islam religion name means slave to the most glorious & wonderful people.
mars Abdulmalik A follower who works excessively hard for God or the King
mars Abdulmani Work for the one who just puts a stop to one
mars Abdulmannan Serves the most compassionate, kind and generous one
mars Abdulmateen Servant of the Firm; Strong
mars Abdulmatin Originated from Arabic language that means slave to the firm, powerful and strong personality
mars Abdulmedjid An individual who helps kind and good one
mars Abdulmejid Slave to all glorious one with grace
mars Abdulmohsen Name itself means a driver or wheel maker that brings joy
mars Abdulmu'eid Servant of those who helps to restore different things in any situation
mars Abdulmu'izz One who serves honourable and praiseworthy
mars Abdulmubdee A person who works hard for the inventor or creator
mars Abdulmubdi Helps those who tries to invent anything for someone else
mars Abdulmueed Extremely work hard for all reproducers or restorers
mars Abdulmughni Servant of those who are rich and prosperous
mars Abdulmuhaimin A faithful person who helps the supervisor and manager
mars Abdulmuhaymin Serves the protectors, guardians, supervisors and attentive
mars Abdulmuhsen This Islam name stands for servant of the supporters and benefactors.
mars Abdulmuhsi Arabic originated name means slave to the one
mars Abdulmuhsin Servant of the helpers as well as supporters
mars Abdulmuhyee Servant of the one who completely give his life for some work and maintain it
mars Abdulmuhyi A person who gives his life for anything
mars Abdulmuid Muid means restorer or reviser or the reproducer
mars Abdulmuiz Unique personality who serves those individuals that gives up life for the almighty
mars Abdulmuizz Slave to the one who works for the God and mighty one
mars Abdulmujahid Serves the one who immediately takes resonsibility of anything on spot
mars Abdulmujeeb Servant of the answerer of prayers or responder
mars Abdulmujib Variant of Abdul-Mujeeb; Means slave of the most responsive
mars Abdulmumin Slave to the guardian or guarantor of the faith
mars Abdulmunim One who serves to all the benefactors and supporters
mars Abdulmuntaqim Servant of the one who penalizes those doing wrong things
mars Abdulmuqaddim Helps all the presenters as well as expediter
mars Abdulmuqeet A servant of the keeper or the sustainer
mars Abdulmuqsit A person who serves just one with grace
mars Abdulmuqtadir One who helps the most strong and powerful personality
mars Abdulmusawwir Slave of the designer or servant of the fashioner
mars Abdulmuta'al Ambitious personality who serves the most dignified and high individual
mars Abdulmuta'alee An individual that supports most high and rich personality
mars Abdulmutaal Serves most glorious or the inspirational
mars Abdulmuti One who works for the giver of life
mars Abdulmuttalib It was name of grandfather of the Prophet PBUH that means servant of the seeker
mars Abdulmuzanni Basically AbdulMuzanni was a narrator of Hadith.
mars Abdulnafi Servant of the most auspicious and favourable
mars Abdulnaseer Servant of the one who helps other in any situation
mars Abdulnasir Slave to all the protectors and helpers
mars Abdulnasser Servant of the one who is granting victory
mars Abdulnoor Servant of the one who is bright and light
mars Abdulnur Slave to the light and glorious one
mars Abdulqaadir Serves those who are capable and competent
mars Abdulqabiz Helps those who avoid doing from giving or granting
mars Abdulqadeer Qadeer name itself means slave to the powerful & strong
mars Abdulqader Slave to the talented and capable personality
mars Abdulqadir An individual who serves the capable and able one
mars Abdulqahaar Servant of the God or Allah who brings everything in his control
mars Abdulqahhar A servant of the subduer or god
mars Abdulqawi Derived from al-Qawi that means servant of the most dignified and strong
mars Abdulqayyum Servant of the everlasting and self subsisting
mars Abdulquddus Quddus stands for the perfect one, the holy one and the pure one
mars Abdulqudoos A devoted suporter who serves blesses and most holy one
mars Abdulqudus Variant Of Abdul-Qudoos which means slave of the most blessed people
mars Abdulra'uf Serves the most merciful and compassionate one
mars Abdulraafi Servant of the one who raises intellect and respect
mars Abdulrabb Slave to the most powerful that is Lord or God
mars Abdulrafi Slave of the most glorify or honourable people
mars Abdulraheem Servant of the Most Compassionate
mars Abdulrahim Arabic originated name means servant of the most merciful and kind one
mars Abdulrahmaan Servant of the Mercifully Gracious
mars Abdulrahman Servant Of The Most Gracious
mars Abdulraouf Servant of the Most Merciful
mars Abdulraqib One who helps those that takes very good care in any difficult situation
mars Abdulrasheed Servant of the one who correctly guide
mars Abdulrashid Slave of the all right-minded personality
mars Abdulrauf Servant of the most kind-hearted and merciful
mars Abdulrazaaq Servant of the Maintainer; Provider
mars Abdulrazaq One who serves the all providers and maintainers
mars Abdulrazzad Servant of the provider
mars Abdulrazzaq Servant of the all contributors and maintainers
mars Abdulrehman A person who helps the merciful and gracious one
mars Abdulsaboor Servant of the Patient
mars Abdulsabur One who serves the patient and long-suffering one
mars Abdulsalaam A great personality who helps the peaceful and calm one
mars Abdulsalam Servant of the all peaceable one
mars Abdulsamad Serves the eternal, never-ending or everlasting
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