Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Adhyatman The superior most person, supreme
mars Adhyay Chapter; part of something; one of many names of Goddess Durga
mars Adhyaya A chapter, or a lesson
venus-mars Adi A variant or pet form of the Celtic name Aidan, which itself means 'little fire'.
venus Adia Gift
venus Adiah noble
mars Adian A variant of the Celtic name Aidan, which itself means 'little fire'.
venus Adiat Growing, increasing, augmenting
mars Adib A scholar, well-mannered, cultured
venus Adiba Cultured, polite
venus Adibah cultured, refined
mars Adiban Leader; Director; Guide
venus Adibella The beautiful diamond or jewel
venus Adica The mother's choice
venus Adida Unknown
mars Adidaitya The primary or the first evil or demon
mars Adideva The first or primary Lord
mars Adidhar Base for Something; Foundation; Support
venus Adie Noble
mars Adiel God's Ornament
venus Adiella the Lord's adornment
venus Ad'ifaah A talented girl, smart, sharp minded
venus Adife A modern name meaning "preferred".
mars Adiish King or Master; Ruler and one with supreme power
venus Adijah One who witness God
venus Adika The first child of the second husband
mars Adikara The primary creator; Lord Brahma
mars Adikavi First Poet;
mars Adikurma The first or original tortoise
mars Adil Fair, Honest
venus Adila Just, Fair
venus Adilah Equal
mars Adilbek A just and fair master or chieftain
venus Adile Turkish and Albanian feminine form of Adil.
venus Adilə Azerbaijani feminine form of Adil.
venus Adilene noble
mars Adilet Justice
mars Adilkhan A just and fair ruler or leader
mars Adilshah The king of justice and equality
mars Adilzhan A just, fair soul
mars Adim In Hebrew - Man; A variant of name Adam
venus Adima noble, renowned
mars Adimoolam The primary roots of a person
mars Adimoolan From the primary root
venus Adimu Rare
mars Adimula The primitive root or a person
mars Adimurti The primary or first idol; Lord Vishnu
mars Adin Beautiful, Adorned
venus Adina Noble, Delicate
venus Adinah decoration; noble, gentle, delicate
mars Adinarayan Lord Vishnu; Lord of the Universe
mars Adinarayana Lord Vishnu; The First Protector of Beings; A derivative of Adinarayan
mars Adinath One of many names of Lord Vishnu; Lord of Universe
mars Adinatha The first or primary Lord; Lord Vishnu
venus Adinda The oldest daughter
mars Adindra Supreme God; Creator of Universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Adine noble, gentle, delicate
mars Adino Spear
mars Adio The name inspires one to be righteous and walk on the correct path.
mars Adipa To light a fire or a shining light
mars Adipursh Lord Vishnu; Lord of the Universe
mars Adipurush Primordial Being
mars Adiputera First son or first prince.
venus Adiputeri First daughter or princess
mars Adir Describing God a s strong and mighty
venus Adira strong, noble, powerful
mars Adiraj One who has No Limits; Supremacy over everything;
mars Adiraja The first king of a dynasty
mars Adiran Of the Adriatic
mars Adiratha The primary charioteer
venus Adiratna A beautiful jewel
mars Adisa The lucid one
mars Adisankara The first prosperity of happiness
venus Adisen Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
mars Adisesan The primal remains or residue
mars Adisesh One of many names of Lord Vishnu; Lord of Universe
mars Adish Fire
venus Adishakti The primary power, the Goddess of Supreme power
mars Adi shakti The primeval power
mars Adishankar Shi Shankaracharya; Founder of Adwaithya Philosophy
mars Adi shankara One who brings about prosperity and happiness
mars Adishanker Shi Shankaracharya; Founder of Adwaithya Philosophy
mars Adishesh God of Serpent's; One of many names of Lord Vishnu; Lord of Universe
venus Adishree Exalted
mars Adishvar The primal Lord, the first Lord
mars Adishwar One of many names of Lord Vishnu; Lord of Universe
mars Adishwara One name form of Lord Shiva;
mars Adisimah The primal lion or the primal boundary
mars Adisisira The primary head for religious sacrifice
venus-mars Adison Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
mars Adisri(aadisree) The primary noble or honoured person
venus Adisson Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
mars Adisur An Entry Point into a Dispute; Beginning of Dispute; Name to applaud Lord Vishnu
mars Adisura One of many names of Lord Vishnu; Lord of Universe; A variant name of Adisur
mars Adisvara The supreme Lord
venus Adisyn Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Adisynne Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
mars Adit From The Beginning
venus Adita Feminine Form Of Adit
mars Aditaya The Sun; Source of energy ; represents the radiance and brightness of Sun
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