Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Adongo The second of twins.
venus Adoni God or Lord
venus Adonia Feast Of Adonis
mars Adoniah My Lord Is God
mars Adonias God or Lord
venus Adonica From Adam And Monica
mars Adoniel The Lord Is God
mars Adonijah My Lord Is Yahweh
mars Adoniram My Lord is of high esteem and honour
mars Adonis Lord
venus Adoniya Hebrew form of Adonijah.
venus Adora Beloved One
venus Adorabelle a gift; beloved; adored
venus Adoracion Adoration Of Jesus
venus Adorae a gift; beloved; adored
venus Adoray a gift; beloved; adored
mars Adorbad Adorbad is a form of the religious writings of the Zarathushti religion.
venus Adore a gift; beloved; adored
venus Adoree a gift; beloved; adored
venus Adorer One who loves or respect
venus Adoria a gift; beloved; adored
venus Adorina One who helps
venus Adorinda Adore
mars Adorjan From Hadria
venus Adorlee a gift; beloved; adored
venus Adra virgin
mars Adragain The sea of ingenuity
venus Adrah virgin; beauty; noble
mars Adraksh Lightning; One who is like a flash of Light
mars Adras Means Manly in Greek
venus Adrastea One who cannot escape
venus Adrasteia One who cant flee or inescapable
mars Adrastos Should Not Run
venus Adrea from Hadria
mars Adrean Latin - Man from Hadria; Dark One; A variant form of Adrian
venus Adreana Latin - Women from Hadria, the Adriatic sea region. Also means dark one; A variant of Adriana
venus Adreanna from Hadria
mars Adred The old counsel, the aged
venus Adree In Hebrew it means majesty of God. In Sanskrit it means Rock
venus Adreea from Hadria
venus Adreen A dark person, dark-colored person
mars Adren One who is black, from the Adriatic
venus Adrey Derived from Audrey which means noble strength
mars Adri Mountain
venus Adria From Hadria
mars Adriaan From Adria
venus Adriah from Hadria
mars Adrian from Hadria
venus Adriana Person From Hadria (Northern Italy)
venus Adrianah from Hadria
venus Adriane From Hadria
venus Adriani A water-body, the sea
venus Adrianna From Hadria
venus Adriannah from Hadria
venus Adrianne From Hadria
mars Adriano From Hadria
mars Adrians From Adria
mars Adrianu Sicilian form of Hadrianus. It means from Hadria.
mars Adrianus From Hadria
mars Adriao From Hadria
mars Adriare Unknown
mars Adric one who is a blessed ruler
venus Adrie from Hadria
mars Adriel Congregation Of God
venus Adrielle from Hadria
venus-mars Adrien From Hadria
venus Adriena from Hadria
venus Adrienah from Hadria
venus Adriene from Hadria
mars Adrienn Woman from Adria
venus Adrienna from Hadria
venus Adrienne Person From Hadria (Northern Italy)
mars Adrieyl Belonging to God
mars Adrigu One who climbs to the mountains
mars Adrij one who belongs to the Mountains
venus Adrija Daughter of the Mountain Goddess
mars Adrijan Croatian and Macedonian form of Adrian.
venus Adrijana From Hadria
mars Adrik From Hadria
venus Adrika Celestial
venus Adrina Happiness
venus Adrinandini The daughter of mountain; Goddess Parvati
mars Adrindra Lord of the mountains; Himalayas
mars Adrion Latin - Man from Hadria; Dark One; A variant form of Adrian
mars Adripata The owner of mountains
mars Adripathi Lord of the Immovable; Lord of Mountain; Refers to Himalayas; Name form of Lord Shiva
mars Adripati Lord of the Immovable; Lord of Mountain; Refers to Himalayas; Name form of Lord Shiva
mars Adriraj The King or monarch of mountains
mars Adriraja The Ruler or emperor of mountains
mars Adrisa The mountain God, Lord of mountains
mars Adrisar One who is strong like iron
mars Adrisht One who is shapeless, shapeless person
mars Adrishya One who is not visible to the naked eyes
venus Adrisuta An offspring of the mountain
venus Adrita A respected woman, loved by all
venus Adritanaya Mountain's daughter; Goddess Parvati
mars Adrius Storm, Strength
mars Adron Latin - Man from Hadria; Dark One; A variant form of Adrian
mars Adrsh Sanskar; Ideal;
mars Adrupa One who consume earth, a son of Bali
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