Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Aasal Late afternoons or evenings.
mars Aasamana Power of Self Respect
venus Aase the mountain covered with trees, it also has a meaning of God
venus Aaseamah the one who is protector
venus Aaseayah A deep thinker, having an appearance of deep thinker
venus Aaseemah The person having the spirit to protect and guide others
venus Aaseeyah Full of yearning or thoughtful
venus Aaseiyah One who tends and heals the weak and poor
venus Aasemah A guardian angel
venus Aaseyah One who be apt to weak and the one who makes good console & comfort
venus Aasfa the protector or the sole guardian
venus Aasha Hope; Desire; Wish; Hopeful; Wishful thinking
mars Aashadhar One who Keeps Hope; Full filler of wishes
venus Aashalata the one who is creator of hope or is very optimistic
venus Aasha Latha Creeper Of Hope; Aasha means wishes or desire and Latha means creeper
venus Aashamana the one who is as precious as water or being life giving
mars Aashank Faith; trust; belief
mars Aasharya the Son of the Sun
mars Aashay Summary; Gist; powerful; meaningful; influence; potent
venus Aashi Beautiful smile
mars Aashif the one having a confident character or being courageous
mars Aashik The true lover, a suitor
mars Aashiq The true lover, a suitor
mars Aashir the one who is alive or Living
mars Aashirbaad The one like a blessing
venus Aashirya Creative & strong personality from land of God
mars Aashish blessing; bestowment of God; Mercy of God
venus Aashita the one who is creator of hope or is very optimistic
venus Aashiyana Beautiful home
venus Aashka Mercy of God; Blessings; bestowment of God
mars Aashlesh To Embrace ; acceptance
mars Aashman Son of sun
venus Aashna Beloved; Devoted to love; Someone who treasures love; Dearmost; Close to heart; One who fulfills wishes
venus Aashni Lightning
mars Aashray Originated from Sasnkrit means give temporrary protection in any situation
mars Aashresh Intelligent and quick to understand & apply ideas
mars Aashrit Power of Lord Vishnu who has spear & knife to protect from agni
venus Aashrita One who has taken refuge in the Lord; One who seeks shelter in abode of God; One of many names of Goddess Laxmi
mars Aashrith Ruler; One of the many names of Lord Vinayaka
venus Aashritha Shelter
venus Aashtha having Faith
mars Aashu the another name of Lord shiva
mars Aashutosh One who is easily pleased; One who Full fills Wishes Instantly
venus Aashvi One of many names of Goddess Saraswati
mars Aashvith Ocean - a very large expanse of emotions
venus Aasia Person is very hopeful and the name refers to largest continent of the Earth
venus Aasieyah This name gives you capability of organising, planning & carrying work for great success
mars Aasif An Able Minister
mars Aasil Name itself gives aggression. means to assault cruelly and constantly
mars Aasim Protector
venus Aasima Protector and defender
venus Aasimah Someone who guards, watches over or protects
mars Aasin different meaning like a driver, calling himslef, wheel maker, lucky in life
mars Aasir One with a captivating and fascinating personality.
venus Aasira Brave, strong and powerful fighter who can conquer & imprison enemies
mars Aasit Black Stone
venus Aasiya Goodness or the one who is very hopeful
venus Aasiyah A variant spelling of the Arabic name Asiya, which itself means caring one.
venus Aasma The one who is regarded with love and tenderness
venus Aasmaa Excellent; precious
mars Aasra Sahara; Help; Anchor; To serve
venus Aasta Love
venus Aastha Faith
venus Aasthika Faith and commitment
mars Aastik Faith in God
venus Aasvi Little Mare
venus Aasymah The one who is a Protector and Guardian
mars Aat Someone who is daring
mars Aata Bear or stone in Maori language.
mars Aatamgosh The inner light or soul
mars Aatami Man
mars Aatazaz Someone important or servant of the mighty.
mars Aatbodh another name of lord Brahma
mars Aatherv The name of 1st Veda
mars Aatherya A Disciple of Sage Vamadeva
mars Aathesh The Lord Ganesha
mars Aathiswaran The Fire ; Refers to the God of origin; Lord Shiva
mars Aathmik Related to soul or aatma
venus Aathmika Soul
mars Aathrav Auspicious, Lucky, It is also one of Lord Ganesha's Name
mars Aathreya Progeny of athri or the disciple of sage vamadeva
mars Aati The one who is generous.
mars Aatif Kind and affectionate
venus Aatifa Affection and Sympathy
venus Aatikah Kind and affectionate
mars Aatiq In case of a girl it means a very Young women while in case of a Boy it has a meaning of Liberated, Independent or Free
venus Aatira Something related to good fragrances
mars Aatish Explosive, a dynamic person
venus Aatiya Giver.
mars Aatma Soul, Light Of The Lord; A deeply felt Emotion
mars Aatmabandu One who is friend of his own
mars Aatmadeva God of the Soul; A variant name from Aatma
mars Aatmagupta one who is self protected
mars Aatmaj Son
venus Aatmaja Daughter
mars Aatman A happy soul or essence
mars Aatmanand The blissful Soul
mars Aatmavash one who is self controlled
mars Aatmeshwar The one having self respect
mars Aatmgaurav The one being Proud
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