Names starting with the letter B

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter B, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a B. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Berrte bright, famous
venus Berrti bright, famous
venus Berrtina bright, famous
venus Berrty bright, famous
venus-mars Berry berry
venus Bersaba Cornish medieval form of Bathsheba meaning oath, or voluptuous.
mars Bersh One year
mars Bersi Son of bakli.
mars Bersules A knight
mars Bert Bright
venus Berta To Be Strong, Relentless
mars Bertalan son of Talmai, son of the one who
venus Berte Bright, famous
mars Bertel Bright; Skillful
mars Bertelot A man who is light and bright
venus Bertene Seems to be a feminine form of Berten; brave person
venus Bertha Bright
venus Berthe bright, famous
mars Berthelm Ho have a bright power
mars Berthguin A shinging one
venus Berthild Derived from the Old German elements beraht "bright" and hilt "battle". This was the name of a 7th-century saint, an abbess of Chelles in France.
venus Berthilda woman warrior
venus Berthilde woman warrior
mars Berthold Brilliant ruler
mars Bertholdt Means "bright ruler" from the Germanic element beraht "bright" combined with wald "rule
mars Berthoud Bright Strength
mars Berthun A person who is bright
venus Berti noble, bright; bright, famous
venus-mars Bertie Bright, wise
mars Bertil Bright Ruler; Bright Strength; Renowned Leader
mars Bertilak The playful dance of the light
venus Bertilda woman warrior
venus Bertilde bright warrior maiden
venus Bertilina Greenlandic form of Berteline, meaning bright, famous.
venus Bertille Bright
mars Bertilo Originally a short form of Germanic names beginning with the element beraht meaning "bright, famous".
mars Bertin Bright; Industrious
venus Bertina bright, shining
venus Bertine bright, famous; bright, shining
venus Bertita bright, famous
mars Bertl One who is famous for nobility.
mars Berto Intelligent
mars Bertok Hungarian diminutive of Bertalan and other names beginning with Bert.
mars Bertold Bright ruler
mars Bertoldo Italian form of Berthold.
mars Bertolt Bright ruler
mars Berton Glorious ruler
mars Bertrada One who counsels brightly
venus Bertrade bright adviser
mars Bertram Bright, wise
mars Bertrand Bright, wise
mars Bertrando Brilliant Raven; Italian Form of Bertrand
mars Bertred A light of red color
mars Bertrina Bright Raven
mars Bertschy A variant of Germanic name Bertwald, meaning bright and famous.
mars Bertulf To be like a wolf and bear
venus Bertuska bright, famous
mars Bertwald One who is a powerful bear
mars Bertwin Bright friend
mars Berty noble, bright; bright, famous; bright promise; bright fame
venus Berucha a blessing
venus Berura pure
venus Beruria God-chosen
mars Berwick From the Barley Grange
mars Berwyk From the Barley Grange
mars Berwyn White head
venus Beryan Name of an Irish princess renowned for her healing abilities.
venus Beryl Semi-precious Stone
mars Beryle light green semiprecious gemstone
venus Berylla light green semiprecious gemstone
venus Beryn light green semiprecious gemstone
mars Besarion Wooded valley
mars Besart Golden oath
mars Besim A happy soul.
venus Besima One who is always smiling, and happy
mars Besnik Traditional Albanian name, meaning "faithful" or "loyal
mars Beso Short form of Besarion, meaning wooded valley
venus Bess God Is My Oath
venus Bessa A short from Elisabeth, meaning my God is my oath
mars Bessarion Meaning uncertain, possibly from Greek βῆσσα (bessa) meaning "wooded valley". This was the name of a 5th-century Egyptian hermit who was a disciple of Saint Anthony the Great. It was later adopted by the scholar Basilios Bessarion (1403-1472), a Greek born in Byzantine Anatolia who became a Roman Catholic bishop.
venus Bessie God Is My Oath
venus Bessy God is my oath
venus Bessye House; God's Promise; God is My Oath
venus Beste Melodic
venus Bestla Mother of Odin.
venus Bet house; God is my oath
venus Beta Gedicated to God
venus Betania Portuguese form of Bethany.
venus Bete The perfection of Lord
venus-mars Betelgeuse Hand Of The Central One
venus Beth God Is My Oath
venus Betha Life
venus Bethan God Is My Oath
venus Bethanee house of figs
venus Bethaney Derived from Hebrew 'beit' - house and 'te-ena'- figs, meaning 'house of figs', and is a spelling variant of Bethany.
venus Bethani House of figs
venus Bethania Form Of Bethany
venus Bethanie House of figs
venus Bethann house of figs
venus Bethanne house of figs
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