Names starting with the letter B

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter B, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a B. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Bhuranyu Worshipped by the World; Fast; Anxious; Efficient;
mars Bhuresa Lord of Earth; Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
mars Bhuri Much; Abundant; Mighty; Lord Vishnu; Lord Siva
mars Bhuribala Very Strong
mars Bhurida One who Denotes in Abundance
mars Bhurisravas Bhurisravas was a prince of the Balhikas and an ally of the Kauravas, who was killed in the great battle of the Mahabharata.
mars Bhurivasu One who has a Lot of Wealth
mars Bhurji A community of grain parchers; Bharabhunja Community;
mars Bhusakra Indra of the Earth; Much Renowned
mars Bhusana Embellishment; Precious
mars Bhushan Ornament
mars Bhushanjeet Victory over Ornaments
mars Bhushit Decorated; Embellishment; Adornment
mars Bhusnu Growing; Thriving
mars Bhuta Past
mars Bhutadi One who is an originator of all the beginings
mars Bhutalingam One of the many names of Lord Shiva
mars Bhutansa Part of Existence
mars Bhutapala Protector of Living Beings; Spirits
mars Bhutaraja Lord of Living Beings; Another Name for Vishnu
mars Bhutesa Lord of All Living-beings; Lord Vishnu; Siva; Brahma
mars Bhutesh One of the many names of Lord Shiva
mars Bhutikrt Causing Welfare
mars Bhutiraja Lord of Existence
mars Bhuttab A pleasant, happy natured and gorgeous human
mars Bhuumka One who is well maintained and optimistic human
mars Bhuva The Upper World
mars Bhuvan Palace
venus Bhuvana Mother earth
mars Bhuvanendra Lord of Earth; Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
mars Bhuvanesa Lord of the Earth
mars Bhuvanesh Lord of the worlds
mars Bhuvaneshwar lord of the Planet
venus Bhuvaneshwari Mother earth
mars Bhuvaneswar Lord of Earth; Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
mars Bhuvanpati God Of The Gods; King of the Kings; Supreme Being
mars Bhuvanyu Possesses
mars Bhuvapati Lord of the Atmosphere
mars Bhuvas Air; Atmosphere
mars Bhuvesh Lord of Earth; Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
venus Bhuvi Heaven
mars Bhuvik He who is a divine and heavenly Boy
mars Bhuvnesh Lord of Earth; Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
mars Bhuvneshwar Abode of God
mars Bhuwan World or Universe
mars Bhuwnendra King of Earth; One who Rules the Earth;Supreme power in the Earth
mars Bhuyan Earth; Our World; Soil
venus Bi Green Jade
venus Bia Voyager
mars Biaggio Stammering, stuttering
mars Biagino Diminutive of Biagio.
mars Biagio Limping
mars Bialy White-haired boy
venus Bian Secretive
venus Biana Fair Skinned
venus Bianca White
venus Biancamaria Combination of Bianca and Maria.
venus Biancha white, pure
venus Bianey white, pure
venus Bianka white, pure
venus Bianna Most likely a variant of Bibiana, which is an early variant of Viviana.
venus Biapasha Beas river
venus Biata Blessed
venus Biba A smart and good-looking woman
venus Bibby She who made a pledge to God
venus Bibe Greenlandic form of Phoebe, meaning bright.
mars Bibek Conscience
venus Bibel Short from Elisabeth, meaning one who made a promise to God
venus Bibele She gave her promise to the God
venus Bibha Ray, Light, Radiance
mars Bibhakar Source of Light; Origin of Light and Life
mars Bibhas Light; The Sun; Bright, Radiant and Luminous light of the Sun
mars Bibhasa Raga
mars Bibhatsu One of Arjuna's name meaning a hater of unworthy acts.
mars Bibhavasu The Sun, Fire; Origin of Earth
mars Bibhishan Brother Of Lankeshwar Rawan & Kumbhakarna
venus Bibhuti One of the many names of Goddess Lakshmi
mars Bibhutibhusan One of the many names of Lord Shiva
venus Bibi Various - See Notes
venus Bibiana Alive
venus Bibiane Lively
venus Bibianne lively
venus Bibigul Means "nightingale" in Kazakh.
mars Bibin Like To Think
mars Bibo Short from Ljubo, meaning a peacelover
venus Biborka Derived from Hungarian bíbor meaning "purple".
mars Biboswan Sun God; Lord of the Light;
mars Bibrata syuckdumb
venus Bibsbebe Lady, female
venus Biby A woman pledged to God
venus Bibyana lively
venus Bica Short from Ljubica, meanin a little love
venus Bicca A variant of Becca, meaning a snare
venus Biccel A version of Rebecca, means snare
venus Bice Diminutive Form Of Beatrice
venus Bich gemstone
mars Bichu The Great Person
mars Bick From the Hewer's Ford
mars Bickford From the Hewer's Ford; Axe-man's Ford
mars Bicoir Father of Arthur
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