Names starting with the letter B

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter B, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a B. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Bahadur Brave A valiant and high spirited man
mars Bahadurjeet Victory of the Brave and Courageous
mars Bahadurjit Victory of the Brave and Courageous
mars Bahadurjot Light of the Brave; Flame or Spirit of the Courageous
mars Bahaeddin One who is filled with fun and is extremely happy
venus Bahair Spring season; very good natured
mars Bahaj Jubilation; Happiness; Joy; Rejoicing; Celebration
mars Bahajat Beautiful and charismatic
mars Bahal A trusted and efficient person; the king of tyre
venus Bahameen Beautiful season of spring
venus Bahamin Beautiful season of spring
venus Bahar Season of spring
venus Baharah Someone who brings the spring
venus Baharak The season of spring
venus Baharan Spring or springtime.
venus Baharbano A beautiful season of spring
venus Bahargul Derived from Turkmen bahar meaning "spring" and gül meaning "flower, rose" (both roots ultimately of Persian origin).
mars Bahari One Who Sails
mars Baharupa One who is restless
venus Bahati Means "luck, good fortune" in Swahili, ultimately from Persian بخت (bakht).
mars Bahauallah One who is Quiet,systematic and inventive mind
mars Bahauddaulah He is the ornament of the kingdom
mars Bahauddin One who is restless; Ready to accept challenges
mars Bahaudeen One who has great faith in Almighty
mars Baha Udeen A magneficent creature; filled with faith
mars Bahaudin He is the magnificent of the faith in God
mars Bahaullah Paradise; religion's leader
venus Bahayah Beauty and radiance.
mars Bahdan Belarusian form of Bogdan.
venus Baheela A beautiful woman.
mars Baheen An exalted and peace loving person
venus Baheenah A beautiful woman.
venus Baheera Beautiful, Radiant; Dazzling; Brilliant; A variant of Bahira
venus Baheerah An extremely beautiful and radiant woman.
mars Baher A brilliant, dazzling and opn hearted person
venus Bahera A famous and dazzling person
venus Bahgat One who is born to spread happiness
venus Bahghwanti Lucky
mars Bahhas One who is good in examining the facts
mars Bahhath Examiner
mars Bahi The one who is born with the brilliance of beauty
venus Bahia One who has charismatic and brilliant beauty
venus Bahiga Cheerful
mars Bahij A courageous and manly person
venus Bahija Cheerful
venus Bahijah One who has taken birth to serve God
mars Bahili Student of Great Muhammad
mars Bahim One who cannot be mixed; pure
mars Bahir A luminous and spakling personality
venus Bahira shining, bright
venus Bahirah The dazzling beauty
mars Bahiran Name of a small island near the sea
venus Bahirat A delicate woman
venus Bahiravi Goddess Durga
mars Bahiri Variant of Bahirun, meaning a brilliant, lucid, and renowned person.
venus Bahiriya Brilliant, prominent, and renowned
mars Bahirun A brilliant, lucid, and renowned person.
mars Bahis One who is deep rooted; explorer
venus Bahisa Seeker, explorer and learner.
venus Bahiya Beautiful, Radiant; Dazzling; Brilliant; A variant of Bahira
venus Bahiyaa Beautiful, Radiant; Dazzling; Brilliant; A variant of Bahira
venus Bahiyah Beautiful, Radiant; Dazzling; Brilliant; A variant of Bahira
mars Bahiyat A very precious person
mars Bahiyuddin A beautiful, practical and patient person
mars Bahiyudeen One who can have full faith in Almighty
mars Bahiy Udeen One who has unshakeable faith
mars Bahiyudin Magnificent faith and trust
venus Bahiyya A beautiful person
venus Bahiyyah Radiant and beautiful.
mars Bahiyyaldin One who has the ability to understand people
mars Bahiyy al Din One who has magnificence of trust and faith
venus Bahja One who brings happiness in people's lives
mars Bahjat A happy and content individual
mars Bahlawan One who is excellent in acrobatics, an acrobat.
mars Bahlol One who is the leader of the tribe
mars Bahlul One who smiles often, or one who does a lot of good deeds.
mars Bahman Well-spirited
venus Bahmanbanu A lady with a good mind and intellect.
mars Bahmat One who is a kid at heart
mars Bahnam A reputable and honorable person.
venus Bahnaz The most lovable.
mars Bahr A mighty and strong Bear
mars Bahram Winning over resisting people
mars Bahramand A person who brings happiness wherever he goes, fortunate and thriving
mars Bahramchobin One having a victorious club. And the name of a celebrated Iranian general.
mars Bahrawar Someone with a big heart
mars Bahri Little; Part; A division; A portion
venus Bahria The gray one; beautiful like water
venus Bahriya One who is bright and bold
venus Bahriyahalaabidah A devoted worshipper; one who has full faith
mars Bahrom Uzbek and Tajik form of Bahram.
mars Bahrudin Glow of faith
venus Baht The daughter of God
mars Bahtiyar Turkish form of Bakhtiar.
mars Bahu Name of a Saint; rod like
mars Bahubala With Great Strength; Power; Might
mars Bahubali Jain Tirthankar
mars Bahubalia Jain Tirthakar
mars Bahudama Suppressor of Many; Strong; Powerful; Mighty; Brave and Courageous; one who is victorious
mars Bahudhar Honorable; Brave; Courageous; Fearless
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