Names starting with the letter B

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter B, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a B. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Buster Tough Guy
venus Busy Engaged, Not Idle
venus Busyna A worshiper and ascetic of Basrah
mars Buta One who is like a plant
mars Butch Manly
mars Butcher Butcher
venus Buthainah Beautiful Woman
venus Buthayna soft-skinned
venus Buthaynah A lady with tender and pretty body
venus Butler The dispenser of bottles
mars Butras A Boy made of stone
mars Butros A Boy of rock and stone
venus Butrus Rock
mars Butsugen An eye of a Buddha
mars Butsuju The age and life of Buddha
mars Buttel One who is a messenger
venus Buttercup Flower
venus Butterfly A Butterfly
mars Buu A person who is a chief
mars Buurab AN earth's father
mars Buvdeep A Hindi name for Boys
mars Buwayh An ancient Persan ruler
mars Buyahya A yahya's father
mars Buyugo A flatterer
mars Buz A despised person
mars Buzabiz A strong garden-like Boy
mars Buzat ne who loves ice-creams
mars Buzz Village In The Woods
mars Bwana Gentleman
venus Byanca white, pure
mars Byblos My father is joy
venus Byellah Of God
mars Byeong-Ho From Sino-Korean 炳 (byeong) meaning "bright, luminous, glorious" combined with 浩 (ho) meaning "great, numerous, vast" or 昊 (ho) meaning "summer, sky, heaven". Other hanja character combinations are possible.
mars Byford One who lives near a river crossing
mars Bygailas Fear Of The Mighty
venus Byla dance
venus Byna Sabine
venus Byni A Roman cognomen meaning Sabine
mars Byram From The Barns
mars Byran He comes from the cottage
mars Byrd Like A Bird
venus Byrdene little bird
venus Byrdie To be like a little bird
mars Byren He who is at the cow sheds
venus Byrganym The one lady or queen
venus Byrget exalted one
venus Byrgitt exalted one
mars Byrguith An English name for Boys
mars Byrne Son Of Brian
mars Byrnhorn One who is a descendant of the raven
mars Byrnwold The raven ruler
mars Byrom One who lives near the barn
mars Byron From The Barns
venus Byrtel One who is like a flowering shrub
mars Bysheeon Unknown
mars Bysshe A erson who lives near the bushes
mars Bytautas Fear Of The People
mars Byttel An English place name
mars Byttic An English male name
venus Byulah bride
mars Byung-Ho Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 병호 (see Byeong-Ho).
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