Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Ceindrech beautiful sight
venus Ceinlys beautiful and sweet, fair
venus Ceinwen Fair, white
venus Ceira Dark-haired
mars Ceiran Dark-haired
venus Ceire The little one; a Saint
venus Ceiridwen A fair woman
mars Ceirin The little black one
mars Ceiriog A happy-go-lucky, friendly and name of a river
venus Ceirios cherry
mars Ceiro The loved one
mars Ceitimor A considerate and tidy individual
mars Cekitana Another name of Lord Shiva who is intelligent and majestic
venus Cela blind; sixth; the moon; heavenly
venus Celadonia swallow
mars Celaeno Black
mars Celal Turkish and Kurdish form of Jalal.
venus Celandine Flower
mars Celdtun A farm which is fed in spring
venus Cele Shot Form Of Cecile
venus Celeana Moon
venus Celeanah Moon
venus Celeena Moon
venus Celeeste Heavenly
venus Celena the moon
venus Celene heaven; the moon
venus Celenia heaven; the moon
venus Celenne heaven; the moon
venus Celerina Quick
venus Celes heavenly
venus Celesia heavenly
venus Celesley heavenly
venus Celesse heavenly
venus Celest Heavenly
venus Celesta heavenly
venus Celeste Heavenly
venus Celestena heavenly
venus Celestene heavenly
venus Celestia heavenly
venus Celestial heavenly
venus Celestiel heavenly
venus Celestijna heavenly
venus Celestin heavenly
venus Celestina heavenly
venus Celestine Heavenly
venus Celestinea heavenly
mars Celestino A heavenly person
mars Celestite Light Blue Crystal
venus Celestria The one born in heaven
venus Celestyn Heavenly
venus Celestyna heavenly
venus Celestyne heavenly
mars Celexa Unknown
venus Celia Heaven
venus Celicia heaven; the moon
venus Celida swallow
venus Celie Heaven
mars Celik Means "steel" in Turkish.
venus Celina Heaven
venus Celinah Moon
venus Celinda heavenly; heaven; the moon
venus Celinde heaven; the moon
venus Celine Heaven
venus Celinka the moon; heavenly
venus Celinna Moon
mars Celino Italian and Spanish form of Caelinus or a short form of Marcelino.
mars Celio A heavenly body usually used as last name
venus Celisa The song of joy
venus Celise The one who takes God as the oath
venus Celisse heavenly
venus Celka heavenly
mars Cellach Old Irish form of Ceallach.
mars Cellachan Diminutive of Cellach. This name was borne by a 10th-century king of Munster.
venus Cellandine swallow
venus Celleen A beautiful and young girl
venus Cellest Heavenly
venus Celleste Heavenly
venus Celli blind; sixth
venus Cellie blind; sixth
venus Cellin Moon
venus Cellina Moon
venus Cello String instrument
venus Celosia aflame
mars Celous Sky
venus Celsa High, Grand, Lofty
venus Celsea chalk landing place
mars Celso Exalted one
mars Celsus Roman family name meaning "tall" in Latin. This was the name of a 2nd-century philosopher who wrote against Christianity. It was also borne by an early saint martyred with Nazarius in Milan.
mars Celtic Of The Celtic People
venus Celyn Holly
venus Celyna Moon
venus Celyse A heavenly, dim- lighted person
mars Cem The one who rules
mars Cemach Branch, Messiah
mars Cemal A beautiful and smart individual
mars Cemil Kind-hearted
venus Cemile Beautiful
venus Cəmilə Azerbaijani form of Jamila.
mars Cempa A clever, emotional and wonderful being who is a coal seller
venus Cempaka Frangipani flower
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