Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Cadwallon A king's name
mars Cadwared An English Boy name
mars Cadwgan The glorious one in the battle
mars Cadwgon To have glory in the battle
mars Cadwur Warrior or soldier.
venus Cadwyn Channel
venus Cady Pure
venus Cadye pure
mars Cadyn Cadan's male child
venus Cadyna A girl with good rhytm
venus Cadynn A rhytmic girl
mars Caecca A british male name
venus Caecilia Original Latin form of Cecilia.
mars Caecilius Original Latin masculine form of Cecilia. Saint Caecilius was a 1st-century missionary to Granada, Spain. It was also part of the full name of Saint Cyprian, Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus.
mars Caeden A modern made up name
mars Caedmon Wise warrior
mars Caedwalla A name of the King Arthur's nephew
mars Caedyn A round man
mars Caefca A Boy name of English origin
mars Caega A Sanish male name
mars Caege A male name of Spanish origin
mars Caegel An independent, self assured and confident individual
mars Caegi An English name for Boys
mars Caegin An English Boy name
mars Caegla An old English name
mars Cael Slender
venus Caela slim and fair
mars Caelab Faithful
venus Caelainn slender and white, fair or pure
venus-mars Caelan Slender
mars Caelci A powerful soldier
mars Caelen Victorious
mars Caelestinus Late Latin name, a derivative of Caelestis. This name was borne by five popes (usually spelled Celestine in English).
mars Caelestis Late Latin name meaning "of the sky, heavenly", a derivative of Latin caelum "heaven, sky".
mars Caelestius Variant of Caelestis. This was the name of a noted follower of the Christian heretic Pelagius.
venus Caeley Slender
venus Caelfind Old Irish form of Caoilfhionn.
venus Caeli She who is crowned with the laurel crown
venus Caelia Heavenly
mars Caelian A man from heaven
mars Caelic Heavenly man
venus Caelie Variant of Kaylee.
venus Caelin Girl
venus Caelina Feminine form of Caelinus.
mars Caelinus Heaven
mars Caelius A person from heaven
mars Caellum The sky and the heavens
mars Caelum He is from the skies
mars Caelus Sky, The Heavens
venus Caelyn Meadow, waterfall pool
venus Caelynn Form of CAELYN - Meadow, waterfall pool
venus Caelynne Form of CAELYN - Meadow, waterfall pool
mars Caeman Crocodile
venus Caemlyn A woman from the skies
mars Caemon Crocodile
venus Caera beloved; friend
mars Caerdin One who is a wood carder
mars Caersewiella One who lives at the watercress spring
venus-mars Caerwyn White Fortress
mars Caesar Thick Head Of Hair
venus Caesare A hairy man
venus Caesarea Leader
venus Caesaria She who is an empress
mars Caesarius Late Latin name that was derived from Caesar. Saint Caesarius was a 6th-century bishop of Arles.
mars Caeser King
mars Caeso Roman praenomen, or given name, that was probably derived from Latin caesius meaning "blue-grey". This praenomen was only used by a few families.
venus Caesonia Feminine form of Caesonius. This name was borne by Milonia Caesonia, the last wife of the Roman emperor Caligula.
mars Caesonius Roman family name that was derived from the praenomen Caeso.
venus Caetana Portuguese feminine form of Caietanus (see Gaetano).
mars Caetano From Gaeta
venus Caetlin pure
venus Caetlyn A woman who is pure
venus Caetti Short for caitlyn, means a pure one
mars Cafa British male name
mars Cafall Name of Arthur's dog
mars Cafer Turkish form of Jafar.
mars Caflisch Shortened form of Kalbfleisch, literally meaning calf meat. It may mean an immature person.
venus Cafna A rhythmic person
mars Cafnoth An Anglo-Saxon male name
mars Cagatay Unknown
venus-mars Cage Confining Structure With Bars
venus Cagla Means "almonds" in Turkish.
mars Caglar Means "waterfall, cascade" in Turkish.
venus-mars Cagney Descendant Of The Advocate
mars Cagrı Means "invitation" or "falcon" in Turkish.
mars Caha One with charms, a desired man
mars Cahal Slender
mars Cahan Battle, Fighter
venus Cahaya Light or radiance.
mars Cahid Azerbaijani form of Jahid.
mars Cahil A young and naive man
mars Cahill A son of the battle ruler
mars Cahir Anglicized form of Irish Cathaoir, possibly meaning "battle man" from Old Irish cath "battle" and fer "man".
mars Cahit Turkish form of Jahid.
venus Cahlie beautiful, lovely
venus-mars Cahya The Light
mars Cahyo Javanese variant form of Cahaya.
mars Cahyono Light
venus-mars Cai Rejoice
venus Caia To Rejoice
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