Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Chatania Consciousness; state of good feeling
mars Chatar The clever one
mars Chaten Filled with life
mars Chatguemangro He doesn't have enough wind
mars Chatha An ending
mars Chatham Soldier's land
mars Chathur The one who is excellent and intelligent
mars Chathura He who is skillful, smart and genius
venus Chathurya Clever individual
mars Chati Life
venus Chatlie Filled with strength
mars Chato Flat Nose
mars Chatongo He who does not know enough.
mars Chatpangon Not awake enough
mars Chatra Student; Disciple; Learner
mars Chatraketu Bright Umbrella Banner;
mars Chatrapati The Chief; Lord of the Umbrella
mars Chatresa Lord Shiva; the one who protects
mars Chatresh Lord
mars Chatriya It is the Month of April; Chaitram
mars Chatta Umbrella; one who protects and provides shade
mars Chattarbhoop A wise and intelligent king
mars Chattarbir A wise, strong and handsome being
mars Chattarmeet A smart friend
mars Chattarpal Growing intelligence
mars Chattarwant Filled with wisdom
venus Chattie dear, beloved; free man
mars Chatur An able and competent person
mars Chatura Four
mars Chaturaanan The one who has four faces
mars Chaturabhuja Strong; Broad Shouldered
mars Chaturanan A God with four faces
mars Chaturbahu One with four arms; Four Armed
mars Chaturbhuj The one with strong and wide shoulders
venus Chaturi She who is clever
mars Chaturmukh One who has four faces; Name signifies Lord Brahma as he has four faces
mars Chaturmukha One who has four faces; Name signifies Lord Brahma as he has four faces
mars Chaturnik One who is Four Faced; A Name for Varuna
mars Chaturved One who has studied Four Vedas; A person well-versed in all four vedas
mars Chaturvedi One who knows all the four Vedas
venus Chatushkarni One of the names of Goddess Lakshmi.
mars Chatwin Friend; warlike
mars Chatwyn The friend who is warlike
mars Chatzkel God strengthens.
mars Chau Like a pearl
mars Chaucer Trouser Maker
mars Chaudhari A variant of Chaudhry refers to title of Kalar Panwar
mars Chaudhry A Surname refers to title of Kalar Panwar
mars Chaudhury A variant of Chaudhry refers to title of Kalar Panwar
mars Chaun The one who has financial and emotional security
mars Chaunce An officer holder who has a good fortune
mars Chaunceler A Chancellor; the one who keeps records
mars Chauncey Chancellor
mars Chauncy Based on a name of a place in France; fortune
venus Chaundra moon shining
venus Chaunta stone
venus Chauntay stone
venus Chaunte to sing; stone
venus Chauntel stone
venus Chauntell stone
venus Chauntelle stone
venus Chausiku One who was born at night.
venus Chava Life
mars Chavaqquq Biblical Hebrew form of Habakkuk.
mars Chavdar Derived from a Persian word meaning leader, dignitary.
venus Chavela Where God is oath
venus Chavelly Bold and beautiful
mars Chavez Keys
venus Chavi Life
mars Chaviram Beauty
mars Chaviv He who is beloved.
venus Chaviva Beloved
venus Chavondria God is gracious
venus Chavonne God is gracious
mars Chavrik Intelligent; Brilliant; Bright; Clever
mars Chawalibog Praise God
mars Chawish Leader of the tribe.
venus Chawntelle stone
venus Chawwa Biblical Hebrew form of Eve.
venus Chawwi Radiance
mars Chay Diminutive Form Of Charles
venus Chaya Life
mars Chayaank Mark
venus-mars Chayan Life
venus Chayana The beautiful Moon
mars Chayank Another Name for the Moon
mars Chayanka Resembling the Moon
mars Chayanne unintelligible speakers
mars Chayapathi Sun; Bright, Radiant and Luminous light of the Sun
mars Chayce Hunter
venus Chaye Life
mars Chayim Life; one who lives life
venus Chayka Life
venus Chayla Life
venus Chaylee Alive; to maintain
venus Chaylse Port For Chalk Or Limestone
mars Chaym Life
mars Chayme Life
venus Chayna A beautiful and bold person
venus Chayney candle maker
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