Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Chetty Mind; One of many names of Lord Murugan; Title used by various mercantile castes in South India
mars Chetu Consciousness of mind
mars Chetuya One who has a conscious mind
mars Chetveer A brave person
mars Chetwin A little house
mars Chetwyn A cottage on twisted path
mars Cheudler Wise counsel
mars Cheung Jade flute
mars Cheval Knight, horseman and rider
mars Chevalier Knight
mars Chevatkodiyon One of many names of Lord Murugan
venus Chevaun God is gracious
venus Chevaune The gracious God
venus Chevaunne God is gracious
mars Chevel knight; Warrior; One who fights for kingdom
mars Chevelier Man riding a horse
venus Chevelle Created Name
mars Chever Hebrew form of Heber 2.
mars Cheveyo A warrior; soul warrior
venus Chevi Ear
venus-mars Chevis Chub Fish
venus Chevon God is gracious
venus Chevonna God is gracious
venus Chevonne God Is Gracious
mars Chevron Pattern Of Design
mars Chevy Short for Chevalier (knight)
venus Chewa She who is great or powerful.
mars Chewbacca The name of a Wookiee (a tall shaggy alien) in the Star Wars series of movies, beginning in 1977. Creator George Lucas invented the name by experimenting with different combinations of sounds. It is explained in a later companion book that the name means "honoured friend" in the Wookiee language.
venus Cheyanna unintelligible speakers
venus Cheyanne Unintelligible speaker
venus Cheyeene Unintelligible speaker
venus Cheyenn Unintelligible speaker
venus Cheyenne Unintelligible Speakers
venus Cheyna A beautiful woman.
venus-mars Cheyne From The Oak Grove
venus Cheyrie dear, darling
venus Chezare Thick Head Of Hair
venus Chezarina Feminine Form Of The Name Cesar
mars Chezhian Prosperous; Rich; Wealthy
mars Chezhiyan Blessed; Graced
mars Chezian Graceful; Kind; Elegant;
mars Chhaayank Unique like a Moon
venus Chhabi Picture
mars Chhailbehari A name of Lord Krishna
mars Chhandak The one who drives Chariot of Lord Buddha
mars Chhatrabhuj One of many names of Lord Vishnu
mars Chhatrapal A friend of friends; warden
venus Chhavi Reflection
venus Chhavvi A radiant reflection
mars Chhay An attractive and charming man.
venus Chhaya Shadow
mars Chhayank Moon; mesmerizing light
venus Chhean Meditation
mars Chheda Handsome; Beautiful; Divinely Good looking
venus Chhorvin A glamorous woman.
mars Chi Younger Energy
mars Chiagozie God has blessed me.
mars Chiaka God Says, God Decides
venus Chiaki Gathered Wisdom
venus Chiamaka God is gorgeous
venus Chiana unintelligible speakers
venus Chianna unintelligible speakers
venus Chianne Unintelligible speaker
venus Chianti Red wine
venus Chiara Illustrious
venus Chiarina bright, famous
venus Chiarra bright, famous
venus Chiasoka God is too sweet.
mars Chiatanya Filled with sensation and intelligence
mars Chiazam Answer From God
venus Chiazokam God has saved me well.
mars Chiba Love, Liking
mars Chibale Kinship
venus Chibarameze God has made me a king.
venus Chibi Japanese - Short Person or Small Child
venus Chibinobim God dwells in my heart.
mars Chibueze Where God is the King
mars Chibuike God is strength.
mars Chibuikem God is my power
venus Chibundo God is my shelter
mars Chibundu God is life
mars Chibunna God is my father
venus Chibuogu God is my strength.
venus Chibuzo God give me directions
mars Chibuzor God first or God leads
venus Chica Woman from France
venus-mars Chicago Onion Or Skunk
mars Chicahua A strong and powerful man.
mars Chicane Piece of road
mars Chicha Beloved
mars Chichi Diminutive of Chi 2.
venus Chichima A sweet and precious girl.
venus Chichimecacihuatzin Unclear
mars Chick Diminutive Form Of Charles
mars Chickie little gift
venus Chickoa Daybreak
venus Chicky little gift
mars Chico Diminutive Form Of Francisco
venus Chicomecoatl Seven snakes
venus Chiconahui Name of Aztec hearth-goddess.
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