Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Christeanna One who follows the teachings of Jesus
venus Christeen follower of Christ
venus Christeena follower of Christ
venus Christel Christ Bearer
venus Christele ice
venus Christell ice
venus Christella ice
venus Christelle follower of Christ
mars Christen Follower of Christ
venus Christena follower of Christ
venus Christene follower of Christ
mars Christer Christian man
venus Christey follower of Christ
mars Christhard Brave Follower Of Christ
venus Christi follower of Christ
venus Christia follower of Christ
mars Christiaan Follower of Christ
mars Christiam A Christianity
venus-mars Christian Follower Of Christ
venus Christiana Follower Of Christ
venus Christiane Follower of Christ
venus Christianitya Christ follower
venus Christianitye Jesus christ follower and preacher
venus Christianityia Follower of Christ
venus Christianityna Follower of Jesus Christ, the son of God
venus Christianityne One who follows and has faith in Christianityity
mars Christianityo One who is Christianity by birth
mars Christianityos Annointed, blessed
venus Christiann Follower of Christ
venus Christi-Ann Follower of Christ
venus Christianna follower of Christ
venus Christianne Follower of Christ
venus Christi-Anne Follower of Christ
venus Christianni follower of Christ
mars Christianus Latin form of Christian.
venus Christiaun Follower of Christ
venus Christie A pet name of the English name Christabel, meaning 'Christian woman' and 'beautiful Christian'.
mars Christien Follower of Christ; annointed; Christianity
venus Christienne Follower of Christ
mars Christille Follower Of Christ
venus Christin follower of Christ
venus Christina Follower Of Christ
venus Christine Follower Of Christ
venus Christinea follower of Christ
venus Christini follower of Christ
venus Christinia follower of Christ
venus Christinie follower of Christ
venus Christinn follower of Christ
venus Christinna follower of Christ
venus Christl ice
venus Christle ice
venus Christleen ice
venus Christline ice
venus Christmar follower of Christ
venus-mars Christmas Christ-feast
venus Christna follower of Christ
mars Christo Follower of Christ; the annointed
venus Christobel Beautiful
mars Christodoulos Means "slave of Christ" in Greek, derived from Χριστός (Christos) combined with δοῦλος (doulos) meaning "slave, servant".
mars Christof Bearer of Christ
mars Christofer One who has Christ in his heart
mars Christoff Variation of Christopher
mars Christoffel Bearing Christ
mars Christoffer Christ Bearer
mars Christofor One who has Christ within
mars Christoforo Bearer of Christ
mars Christoforos Modern Greek form of Christopher.
mars Christoforus Bearer of Christ
venus Christol ice
mars Christon follower of Christ
mars Christop One who is bearer of Jesus Christ
mars Christoper He who is Bearer of Christ
mars Christoph Christ-bearer
mars Christophe Bearer of Christ
mars Christopher Christ-bearer
mars Christophoros Bearer of Christ
mars Christophorus He who is the Bearer of Christ
mars Christos Christ-Bearer
mars Christpher One who is Christ bearer
venus-mars Christy Diminutive Form Of Christine
mars Christyan Follower of Christ
venus Christyann follower of Christ
venus Christy-Ann Follower of Christ
venus Christy-Anne Follower of Christ
venus Christyl ice
venus Christyn follower of Christ
venus Christyna follower of Christ
venus Christyne follower of Christ
venus Chrisy follower of Christ
venus Chritiane A Christianity, a follower of Christ
venus Chrizanne Combination of Christine and Anne 1 used in South Africa.
venus Chrodechildis Latinized Frankish form of Clotilde.
mars Chroferus A self satisfied, interesting and helpful natured
venus Chroma Color
mars Chronos A crow
mars Chroseus One who is restless, fantastic and versatile human
venus Chrysa Bearer of Jesus Christ, the son of God for Christianitys
venus Chrysalis A hard cover that envelopes around a moth when it is turning into an adult
mars Chrysander Golden
venus Chrysandra golden flower
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