Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Clee Cliff
venus Cleena Anglicized form of Clíodhna.
venus-mars Cleeve A short term for Cleveland; a city in the U.S
mars Clef Gender: Unisex
mars Clegg Haystack
mars Cleisthenes Glory and strength
mars Cleitus Latinized form of Kleitos.
mars Cleland From a place with clay
venus Clelia fame
mars Clell Descendant of the wolf family
mars Clellan Son of a follower of a Saint named Fillan
venus Clely A french version of Clelia; a Roman herione
mars Clem Diminutive Form Of Clement
venus Clemance Mercy
venus Clematia climbing plant
venus Clematice climbing plant
venus Clematis Flower Name
venus Clematiss climbing plant
mars Cleme Tender; gentle; good natured; lenient; understanding
venus Clemence Mercy
venus Clemencia mercy
mars Clemencio Merciful
venus Clemency Mercy
mars Clemendee Gentle, Merciful
mars Clemens Mercy
mars Clement Merciful
mars Clemente Merciful
venus Clementeen One who is very gentle, kind and soft hearted
venus Clementia Merciful
venus Clementina Merciful
venus Clementine Merciful
mars Clementino Merciful
mars Clementius Merciful
venus Clemento Merciful; tender; forgiving; soft hearted
venus Clementya Merciful
venus Clementyn Merciful
venus Clementyna Merciful
mars Clemeth He is merciful and a gentle person
venus Clemmie mercy; merciful
mars Clemmons Merciful
venus Clemmy merciful
mars Clemo The Cornish diminutive of Clement or Clemence. It means mild or merciful
mars Clenton Hill town
venus Cleo To Praise, Acclaim
mars Cleodora Famous Gift
venus Cleofas One who sees fame, glory and worthy of praise
mars Cleon Glory
venus Cleona Father's glory
venus Cleone Father's glory
venus Cleonie glory of the father
mars Cleopas Shortened form of the Greek name Kleopatros (see Cleopatra). In the New Testament Cleopas is a disciple who sees Jesus after his resurrection.
venus Cleopatra Glory Of The Father
venus Cleopatre French form of Cleopatra.
venus Cleophas Used in the New Testament, he is the husband of a woman who saw Jesus being crucified
venus Cleora It means glory or fame of the Father
venus Cleotha A woman who is a creative artist and everyone else is inspired by her
venus Cleotilde A well known warrior; a well known soldier
mars Clerc Cleric, wise
venus Cleremunda A clear and birght protector of men
venus Clericia A wandering group of people
venus Clerissa Bright
venus Clerisse Bright
mars Clerk Cleric, wise
venus Cleryce Bright
venus Clerysse Bright
mars Clesek An old Cornish name derived from the word clos, which means fame.
venus Cleta Feminine Form Of Cletus
mars Clete To call on someone; to call someone
mars Cletis Variant of Cletus.
mars Cleto To call a spirit while praying; uaually done by a Pope
mars Cletus Illustrious
venus Cleva hill-dweller
mars Cleve Short for Cleveland, land of cliffs
mars Cleveland From The Hilly Land
venus-mars Clever Smart One
mars Clevon One who hails from the cliff; One who lives in the cliff
venus Cliantha Glory Flower
venus Clianthe glory flower
venus Cliara bright, famous
venus Clidhna Of Unknown Meaning
venus Clidna Old Irish form of Clíodhna.
mars Clif A man who is brave, fearless, daring and bold
mars Cliff Diminutive Form Of Clifford
venus Cliffanie Combination Of CLIFF And TIFFANIE
mars Cliffeton Cliff town
mars Clifford From The Cliff Ford
mars Clifftan Cliff town
mars Clifften Cliff town
mars Cliffton Cliff town
mars Cliffy Cliff town
mars Clifland A land that is hilly; a land filled with hills
venus Clift A cliff or slope; a ridge located at the corner of a river
mars Cliften Cliff town
mars Clifton From A Town Near A Cliff
mars Cliftun A farm located adjacent to a cliff
mars Climaco Spanish form of Climacus, derived from Greek κλῖμαξ (klimax) meaning "ladder". The 7th-century monk Saint John Climacus (also known as John of the Ladder) acquired this name because he wrote a book called The Ladder of Divine Ascent.
mars Climacus Latin form of Clímaco.
mars Climent Catalan form of Clemens (see Clement).
mars Clindon Hill town
mars Cline Little One
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