Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Caliste Beautiful
mars Calisto Fair, good
venus Calita The loved one
mars Calix Very Handsome
venus Calixta The most gorgeous woman
venus Calixte Very Beautiful
mars Calixto To be beutiful
mars Calixtus Very Beautiful
venus Caliyah High, ascend
venus Calla Beauty
mars Callaghan Strife
mars Callahan Little Bright-headed One/devotee Of The Church
venus Callalily Beautiful; lily
mars Callam Dove
mars Callan Battle Or Rock
mars Callaway One from a plebbly place
mars Calldwr He is brom the cold brook
venus Calle Narrow path
venus Callee lovely one; beautiful flower; beautiful, lovely
venus Calleigh A form of the name Callie, meaning 'man', 'free man' (German), 'a beauty', 'a lark' (Greek), 'bald' (French), 'beautiful voice' (Old Greek).
venus-mars Callen Slender, Thin
mars Calles One who is like a stone
venus Callesta cup; fairest, most beautiful
venus Calley lovely one; beautiful flower; beautiful, lovely
venus Calli From Greek origin meaning 'a beauty' it is an alternative spelling for the more commonly used Callie.
venus Callia Beautiful
venus Calliandra Lovely one
venus Callianna Most Beautiful
venus Callianne Most Beautiful
venus-mars Callias Beauty
venus Callida most beautiful; heated, with warmth
venus Callidora Gift of beauty
venus Callie Beautiful
mars Calligan Strife
venus Calligenia daughter of beauty
mars Callinicus Latinized form of Kallinikos.
venus Calliope Beautiful voice
mars Calliroe Beautiful Flow
venus Callirrhoe From the Greek name Καλλιρρόη (Kallirrhoe), derived from the word καλλίρρους (kallirrhous) meaning "beautiful flowing". This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology, including a daughter of Achelous. A small moon of Jupiter is named after her.
venus Callison Created Name
venus Callissa The most beautiful lady of all
venus Callista Most Beautiful
mars Callister Son of Alexander
mars Callisthenes Beautiful and strong
venus Callisto Most Beautiful
mars Callistus Historical Name
mars Callithyia Fine Offerings
mars Callixtus He is the most beautiful man
mars Calloway Place Of Stones Or Pebbles
venus Callula small beauty
mars Callum Dove
venus Cally Fair, good
venus Callyn She is lovely
venus Callyope beautiful voice
venus Callypso she who hides
venus Callyr The name means lark
venus Callysta cup; fairest, most beautiful
mars Calman Dove
venus Calogera A beautiful elderly woman
mars Calogero A beautiful elderly man
mars Calogerus Latin form of Calogero.
venus Calogira Sicilian form of Calogera. It means old man or elder.
mars Calogiru Sicilian form of Kalogeros. It means beautiful elder.
venus Calpurnia Julius Caesar
mars Calpurnius Roman family name, which was possibly derived from Latin calpar meaning "chalice, cup".
mars Calrose Medium Grain Rice
venus Caltha Yellow flower
mars Calum Dove
mars Calunoth A british male name
mars Calup Unknown
mars Calvagh Bald
mars Calvert Calf herder
mars Calvex A man who is a shepard
mars Calvin Bald
venus Calvina bald
venus Calvine Bald
venus Calvinna bald
venus Calvinne bald
mars Calvino Hairless
mars Calvus Roman cognomen meaning "bald" in Latin.
venus Calybrid Saint Bridget's servant
venus Calycrist She is like a star-flower
mars Calyn pure
venus Calynda lovely one
venus Calynn pure; rock
venus Calypso Hidden
venus Calyse A woman who is very beautiful, gorgeous
venus Calyssa cup; fairest, most beautiful
venus Calysta cup; fairest, most beautiful
mars Calyx Man who is very handsome
venus-mars Cam Short Form Of Names In Cam-
venus Cama helper to the priest
mars Camacho Twisted, Disfigured
mars Camal Azerbaijani form of Jamal.
venus Camala helper to the priest
mars Camar He who is a teacher
mars Camara Teacher
mars Camaraja He leads the army
mars Camaran crooked nose
mars Camari Crooked nose
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