Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Coleta Victory
mars Coleton Coal town
venus Coletta Victory
venus Colette Victory Of The People
mars Coletun Hailing from the town where coal is obtained; from a coal town
mars Coley Black
venus Coleyne A young woman; a girl
mars Colfre Someone who is as peaceful, amicable and undisturbed as the dove;
mars Colie Black
mars Colier Black
venus-mars Coligny From Coligny, France
mars Colin Diminutive Form Of Nicholas
venus Colina people of victory
venus Colinda girl, wench
venus Coline people of victory
venus Colinette people of victory
mars Colis One who is the son of a dark or dusky man
venus Colissa Created Name
venus Colista Combination Of Colette And Calista
mars Coll High
mars Collan A young Boy who is attractive, handsome and good looking
mars Collayer One whose job is to mine coal from beneath the ground
mars Collby Coal town
venus Colleen Girl
venus Colleene girl, wench
mars Collen Hazel
venus Collena girl, wench
venus Collene girl, wench
mars Collens A young hound
mars Colles Glue; a substance used to stick things together
venus Collet Victory
venus Colleta Victory
venus Collete people of victory
venus Collett people of victory
venus Colletta Victory Of The People
venus Collette Victory
mars Colley A black coloured bird
venus Collibe Hailing from a dark, dull village with no source of light
venus Collice Combination Of Colleen And Alice
venus-mars Collie girl, wench; dove
mars Collier Coal Miner
mars Collin Form Of Colin
venus Collina people of victory; girl, wench
venus Colline people of victory; girl, wench
venus Collins The victory or triumph of the men
mars Collis coal miner; dark haired
venus-mars Colliss coal miner; dark haired
mars Collton Coal town
venus Colly girl, wench; dove
mars Collye A word name of English meaning
mars Collyer A trader of charcoal in England; someone who buys and sells charcoal
mars Collyn Victory
venus Collys A young woman; a girl
mars Colm Dove
mars Colman Little Dove
mars Colmann Dove
mars Colobert Old German name composed of (possibly) the element kollo meaning "head, peak" and beraht meaning "bright".
venus Coloma Dove
venus Colomba Italian feminine form of Columba.
mars Colombano Italian form of Columbanus.
venus Colombe dove
venus Colombina Italian feminine diminutive of Columba. In traditional Italian pantomimes this is the name of a stock character, the female counterpart of Arlecchino (also called Harlequin). This is also the Italian word for the columbine flower.
venus-mars Colombo A dove
mars Colon Dove
mars Colonel A column
venus-mars Colony Group Of People
mars Colorado Red Colored
mars Colsen Coal; a form of carbon that is black in colour
mars Colson Black
mars Colston From The Coal Town
mars Colt Young Horse
mars Colte Young horse
mars Colten Coal town
mars Colter Young horse
mars Coltere A person who rides and takes care of horses; a horseman
mars Coltin A coal town; a town where coal is obtained
mars Colton Cole's Town
mars Coltrane Young horse
mars Colum Dove
mars Columb Old Irish form of Columba.
venus Columba dove
mars Columban Possibly an Irish diminutive of Columba. Alternatively, it may be derived from Old Irish colum "dove" and bán "white". The 7th-century Saint Columbán of Leinster was the founder of several monasteries in Europe.
mars Columbanus This name can be viewed as a derivative of Columba or a Latinized form of Columbán, both derivations being approximately equivalent. This is the name of Saint Columbán in Latin sources.
venus Columbia A Dove
venus Columbina dove
venus Columbine Flower Name; Dove
mars Columbo Dove
mars Columbus Dove
mars Colver One who is as peaceful as the dove
mars Colvert Seaman, one who is fond of seas and lives near it
mars Colville Black
mars Colvin Black
mars Colvyr One who resembles a dove, peaceful and calm
venus-mars Colwyn Welsh River
mars Colyer A person who works with coal
venus Colyn The triumph of the people; a young Boy who leads to the triumph of the people
mars Colys Son of the Dark Man
mars Coman Noble; a high-principled person; generous; reputable
mars Combs Lives Near A Small Valley
mars Come Order
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