Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Consalvo Wolf, Battle
mars Conseja Good Counsel
venus Consolacion Means "consolation" in Spanish. It is taken from a title of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora de Consolación, meaning "Our Lady of Consolation".
venus Consolata Consoled
venus Consolation Consolation
venus Constanca constant, steadfast
venus Constance Constant
venus Constancia constant, steadfast
venus Constancta Steadfast
venus Constancy constant, steadfast
venus Constans Constant, steadfast
mars Constant Constant and steadfast
venus Constanta constant, steadfast
venus Constantia constant, steadfast
venus Constantija constant, steadfast
mars Constantijn Constant
venus Constantijna constant, steadfast
mars Constantin Something that is persistent and never changes
venus Constantina constant, steadfast
mars Constantine Constant
mars Constantino Constant, Steady, Faithful
mars Constantinos Stable and steady; constant; something that can never change
mars Constantinus Persistent and abiding; conatant, does not change
venus Constantius Constant, steadfast
venus Constantya constant, steadfast
venus Constanz Constant, steadfast
venus Constanza constant, steadfast
venus Constanze The steady one
venus Consuela Consolation
venus Consuelo Consolation
mars Consus Sowing the seeds; planting; Derived from the Roman God of harvest
venus Content Satisfied, Happy
venus Contessa Countess, Royalty
mars Conthigirni A person who is a doglover
venus Contreras Opposite, Contrary
mars Conuan A name for a large ravine; neat and generous
mars Conuetu One who is diligent, reserved and gorgeous person
mars Conuoge One who is an united man
mars Conwal Elevated One, Valor
mars Conway Hound Of Meath
venus Conwenna One who is white, fair and blessed.
mars Cony A hollow in a hill; derived from word "Corey
mars Conyers From Coignieres In France
venus Cook An occupation of cooking food; a person who excels in making food
venus-mars Cookie Sweet Biscuit
mars Coolidge To be extremely protective and careful
mars Coop Barrel maker
mars Cooper Barrel Maker
mars Coopersmith Manufacturer of wooden objects like barrels, tubs, buckets, etc
mars Coos Following after
mars Copacati Goddess Of The Lake
mars Cope Maker Of Capes
mars Copeland A purchased land; a land that is bought
mars Copernicus The belief that the planets revolve around the sun; derived from the Copernicus theory by Nicholas Copernicus
mars Copland Derived from the name of a place
venus Coppa A golden coup, a reward
venus Coppelia A story of a girl with enamel eyes
mars Copper A reddish brown mineral,metal used for making tools and objects
mars Coquette Flirty Woman
mars Cor horn
venus Cora maiden
venus Corabel Maiden
venus Corabella Maiden
venus Corabelle Maiden
venus Corabellita Maiden
venus Corabeth maiden
venus Corah Maiden
venus Coraima A young, unmarried woman; Maiden
venus Coral coral
venus Coralee Maiden
venus Coralena coral
venus Coralia Maiden
venus Coralie Little Maiden
venus Coralin maiden
venus Coralina Something that is made from corals; plants growing in the sea
venus Coraline Heart, Maiden
venus Corallina coral
venus Coralline coral
venus Coraly coral
venus Coralyn Maiden
venus Coralyne coral
venus Corazana heart
venus Corazon Heart
mars Corbaleng A versatile, sensitive and content human being
mars Corbalengi Loyal, brilliant and fantastic human being
mars Corbalengus A good natured, skillful and cultured person
mars Corban Predominately used in English meaning 'raven'. A variant of the root name Corbin (English).
venus-mars Corbeau Crow, Raven
mars Corben Derived from the Latin corvinus meaning 'raven', a variant of the English Corbet.
mars Corbenic Name of the place where the grail was kept.
mars Corbet Raven
mars Corbett Raven
mars Corbin Raven
mars Corbinian A raven; a bird resembling the crow
mars Corbinianus Latin form of Korbinian.
mars Corbit Raven
mars Corbitt Raven
mars Corby From Corc's Farm
mars Corbyn Raven
mars Corcoran Of reddish complexion
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