Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Cornelia horn
mars Cornelias Horn
venus Cornelie French form of Cornelia.
venus Cornelija horn
mars Cornelio Horn
mars Cornelious Horn
mars Cornelis Horn
mars Corneliu Horn
mars Cornelius Horn
mars Cornell From Cornhill, Cornwell Or Cornelius
venus Cornella horn
venus Cornelle horn
mars Cornellious Horn
mars Cornellis Horn
mars Cornellius Horn
mars Cornellus Horn
mars Cornelous Horn
venus Cornelya horn
mars Cornett Dwelling in the cornel tree
venus Cornie horn
mars Cornwallis Person hailing from a town named Cornwall
mars Corom Unknown
venus Corona crown
venus Coronetta crown
venus Coronette crown
venus Coronis Latinized form of Koronis.
venus Coronna crown
venus Corra Maiden
mars Corradino Wise counsel
mars Corrado Fearless, bold, not afraid, valiant
mars Corraidhin Possibly means "little spear" from Irish corra "spear" and a diminutive suffix.
mars Corran One who bears a spear; a weapon used at the times of war
venus Correen maiden; spear
venus Correena spear
venus Corrella maiden
venus Correlle maiden
venus Correna maiden
venus Correnda maiden
venus Correne maiden
venus-mars Correy maiden
venus Corri maiden
venus Corrianna A bubbly, frothy seething pool from the round hills
venus Corrianne maiden
mars Corrick A hollow or vacant space in a hill
mars Corridon A spear
venus Corrie More commonly used as a girl's name, the name Corrie can be used for boys and is a variant of the name Corrigan. The name has been interpreted as meaning 'little spear'.
venus Corrienne maiden
mars Corrigan Pointed, Spear
mars Corrin spear; maiden
venus Corrina maiden; spear
venus Corrinda maiden
venus Corrine maiden; spear
venus Corrinn maiden
venus Corrinna maiden
venus Corrinne maiden
venus Corrisande chorus singer
venus Corrissa maiden
venus-mars Corry maiden
venus Corryn maiden
venus Corryne maiden
mars Cors Son of the dark man
mars Corsa Aided, Helped
mars Corsabrin A detail oriented, deep natured and generous being
mars Cort Bold Or Short
venus Cortana A sword; a weapon used at the time of war
mars Cortel An alliance of enterprices
venus-mars Cortenay domain of Curtius
venus Corteney domain of Curtius
mars Cortes Courteous
mars Cortez Courteous
venus Cortie From a seething, frothing pool or ravine
mars Cortis Courteous
mars Cortize Courteous
mars Cortland domain of Curtius
mars Cortlandt A land where farming is done; a farming land
venus Cortne domain of Curtius
venus Cortnee domain of Curtius
venus Cortneigh domain of Curtius
venus-mars Cortney From the surname meaing 'domain of Curtius' - or 'domain of the short one'.
venus Cortnie domain of Curtius
venus Cortny domain of Curtius
mars Corty One who advices others boldly and in a candid manner
venus Corva raven
venus Corveena raven
venus Corvetta raven
mars Corvin A raven
venus Corvina Raven
mars Corvus A raven; a black bird that resembles a crow
mars Corwan A loyal friend; a liver friend
mars Corwin Heart's Friend
mars Corwine A close friend, a friend close to the heart
mars Corwyn A best friend; the best companion; the friend closest to the heart
venus-mars Cory Hollow
mars Corydon Lark
venus Coryell One who wears a protection for his head; one who wears a helmet
venus Coryn maiden
venus Coryna maiden
venus Corynn maiden
venus Corynna maiden
venus Corynne maiden
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