Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Crisson Christ-Bearer
venus Crissy follower of Christ
mars Crist Abbreviation of the name "Christianity
venus Crista follower of Christ
venus Cristabel Beautiful
venus Cristabell Beautiful
venus Cristabella Beautiful
venus Cristabelle Beautiful
venus Cristal Glass, ice
venus Cristalle Glass, ice
venus Cristalyn ice
mars Cristan Follower of Jesus Christ
venus Cristel Glass, ice
venus Cristela Derivation from the Greek name "Crystal"; Ice; Clear; Follower of Christ
venus Cristell Glass, ice
venus Cristella ice
venus Cristelle Glass, ice
mars Cristen follower of Christ
venus Cristena follower of Christ
venus Cristi follower of Christ
venus Cristia Catalan form of "Christianity"; Believer and follower of Christ
mars Cristian Christ bearer
venus Cristiana follower of Christ
venus Cristiane French form of the name "Christianity" meaning disciple of Christ
venus Cristiania Variant of the name "Christina" which means follower of Christ
venus Cristianna follower of Christ
venus Cristianne follower of Christ
mars Cristiano Christian man
venus Cristie follower of Christ
venus Cristin follower of Christ
venus Cristina Christ Bearer
venus Cristine follower of Christ
venus Cristiona follower of Christ
venus Cristle Glass, ice
mars Cristo Bearing Christ
mars Cristobal Christ-Bearer
mars Cristofer Christ-bearer
mars Cristofor Romanian form of Christopher, meaning follower of Christ.
mars Cristoforo Bearer of Christ
mars Cristofuru Sicilian form of Christopher. It means bearing Christ.
mars Cristopher Bearer of Christ
mars Cristovao Bearing Christ
venus-mars Cristy Diminutive Form Of Cristina
venus Cristyn follower of Christ
mars Crius Latinized form of Kreios.
mars Croc The name given to the lizard of the river
venus Crocetta Diminutive of Crocifissa.
venus Crocifissa Implies "Crucifix" in Italian; Represents that of Jesus Christ crucification
mars Crockett Wearing a large curl
mars Croften A person from the enclosed town; town with enclosed fields
mars Crofton A variant of "Croften"; referring to a town with small enclosed field; Cottage town
venus Croia From Irish croí meaning "heart". This name was used by Irish martial artist Conor McGregor for his daughter born 2019.
mars Croix The cross which signifies Christianityity; Also the French cognate of "Cruz"; "Holy Cross" in Spanish
mars Crompton Originated from the word "Crumpton" which implies bowed or malformed; Could be used to refer to a person from the winding farm
mars Cromwell The winding stream
mars Cronan Slightly dark one; Could refer to "Dark brown
mars Cronus Latinized form of the Greek Κρόνος (Kronos), possibly derived from the Indo-European root *(s)ker- meaning "to cut". Cronus was the Titan who fathered the Greek gods. As his wife Rhea gave birth to the gods, Cronus swallowed them fearing the prophecy that he would be overthrown by one of his children. However Rhea hid Zeus, her last child, who eventually forced his father to disgorge his siblings. Cronus and the rest of the Titans were then defeated by the gods and exiled.
mars Crosbey Implies "By the cross"; invariant to "Crosby
mars Crosbie A variant of "Crosby"; By the cross
mars Crosby Settlement By The Cross
mars Croslea Meadow beside cross
mars Crosleigh Near cross Meadow
mars Crosley Meadow of the cross
mars Cross Cross or the Crucifix
mars Crosson Son of cross
mars Croston A settlement by the cross
venus-mars Crow Bird; tribe name
mars Crowford Name of a place
mars Crowther Fiddler
mars Croydon Valley of saffron
mars Crt Short form of Črtomir.
mars Crtomir Derived from Slovene črt "hatred" combined with the Slavic element mirŭ "peace, world". This is the name of the hero in the Slovene national epic Baptism on the Savica (1835) by France Prešeren.
mars Crue Group Of People
venus Cruella Evil, Cruel
mars Cruise Cross
mars Crusher One Who Crushes
mars Crusoe Literary name
mars Cruz Cross
mars Cruze Cross
venus Cruzita Little Cross
mars Cruzito Cross Of Christ
venus-mars Crwys Cross
venus Cry Woman of faith
venus Cryda Faithful woman
mars Crympel A relaxed, young person
mars Crypto Hidden
venus Crysandra Helper of men
venus Crysandrah Helper of men
venus Cryst Colorless glass
venus Crysta follower of Christ; ice
venus Crystabel Beautiful
venus Crystabella Beautiful
venus Crystal Earth Mineral Or Brilliant Glass
venus Crystalann ice
venus Crystale Glass, ice
venus Crystalina ice
venus Crystall ice
venus Crystalyn ice
venus Crystalynn ice
venus Crystan Able and naive
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