Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Elitta elite
mars Eliu One who has chosen his God
mars Eliud God Is Great
venus Elivia A fertile Olive tree
venus Elivina A beautiful friend of the Elves
venus Elixabete Basque form of Elizabeth.
mars Elixen Unknown
venus Elixyveth God is my oath
venus Eliya God Is My Lord
venus Eliyah A form of Elijah. It means my God is Yahweh.
mars Eliyahu One whho takes Lord as his God
mars Eliyyahu The Lord is my God
venus Eliz Eliz is a nick name of the name Elizabeth. It means 'God is perfection' or 'God is my oath'.
venus Eliza God Is My Oath
venus Elizabe Satisfaction provider; a God
venus Elizabegh God who protection and satisfaction
venus Elizabella Combination Of The Names ELIZABETH And BELLA
venus Elizabelle One who takes God as an Oath
venus Elizabet God is my oath
venus Elizabeta Dedicated to God
venus Elizabete Latvian form of Elizabeth. It means my God is abundance, my God has sworn.
venus Elizabeth God Is My Oath
venus Elizabetha God is a satisfaction provider
venus Elizabethe They are born mediators and active
venus Elizabett God is my oath
venus Elizabette God is my oath
venus Elizabez One who has new desires and expectations
venus Elizabiff God is my oath
venus Elizabith God is my oath
venus Elizah God is my oath
venus Elizandra One who has all the beauty of the world
mars Elizara Unknown
venus Elizaveta God Is My Oath
venus Elizbeth God is my oath
venus Elize Of Hebrew origin and a variant of the name Eliza, which itself is a short form of Elizabeth meaning 'God is perfection' or 'God is my oath'.
venus Elizebeth God is my oath
venus Elizette God Is My Oath
mars Elizeus One who can seek and understand truth
venus Elizota A unique name; an expert of music and art
mars Eljah Form Of Elijah
mars Eljas Where Yahweh is the God
mars Eljin Freedom provider; one who is noble and white colored
mars eljko Desire For Peace
venus Elka noble
mars Elkan Belonging To God
mars Elkana God has made
mars Elkanah God Bought
venus Elkanna God has made
venus Elke noble
mars Elki To Hang On The Top
venus Elkie noble
venus Elkin God's creation
venus Ella Young Girl
venus Elladine other, foreign; sun ray
venus Elladora A gift sent from heaven; one who is filled with light
venus Ellaine sun ray
mars Ellam All; Everything; The Entire Universe; All inclusive; Whole
venus Ellamae A combination name; one who is true to all
venus Ellan Light, moon
venus Ellane sun ray
mars Ellanher Old German name composed of the elements ellan "courage" and heri "army".
mars Ellappan One of many names of Lord Mahavishnu
venus Ellar A stable and loving individual; Monastey's steward
mars Ellard Noble And Brave
mars Ellaruth Gender: Female
venus Ellary Elder tree; one who is native of the tree
venus Ellasyn Son/Daughter Of Ellis
mars Ellavere Combination Of Ella And Guinevere
venus Ellayne sun ray
mars Ellder Another form of Elder tree; has strength
mars Elldred An old and wise counsel
mars Elldrich An aged and wise ruler; Sage
venus Elle Girl, Female.
venus Ellea One who is foreign and is true to all
venus Elleanor Of Hebrew origin and a variant spelling of the name Eleanor which comes from the Hebrew element 'el' meaning 'god' and 'or' meaning light, so the name means 'God is my light' or 'God is my candle'.
venus Elleanora other, foreign; sun ray
venus Ellecia Form of Elijah; ideal human being
venus Ellectra brilliant
venus Ellee A variant spelling of Ellie, which is a form of Ellen or more commonly Eleanor, which itself is of Hebrew origin and comes from the Hebrew element 'el' meaning 'god' and 'or' meaning light, so the name means 'God is my light' or 'God is my candle'.
venus Elleen sun ray
venus Ellektra brilliant
venus Ellema Milking A Cow
venus Ellen Light
venus Ellena A variant spelling of Elena, this being a French derivative of the Greek name Helen, which itself means 'light, torch, bright'.
venus Ellene other, foreign; sun ray
venus Ellenmae A foreign element who are variant of Ellen meaning light
venus Ellenn Light, moon
venus Ellenor Of Hebrew origin and a variant spelling of the name Eleanor which comes from the Hebrew element 'el' meaning 'god' and 'or' meaning light, so the name means 'God is my light' or 'God is my candle'.
venus Ellenora other, foreign; sun ray
venus Ellenore other, foreign
venus Elleny They are happy people; form of Helen which means bright
venus Elleonor other, foreign
venus Elleora God is my light
venus Eller A low lying area
venus Elleree alder tree
mars Ellerey A charming and cheerful person; an Alder tree
venus Ellerie One who has a cheerful and friendly personlaity
mars Ellery Cheerful
venus Ellesa One who came from Alyssum flower
venus Ellesha A variant spelling of Elisha which is of Hebrew origin and means 'God is salvation'. May also have the variant spellings of Elesha, Ellisha or Eleisha.
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