Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Engela Angel
mars Engelard brave and illuminating like light.
mars Engelbert Bright fighter
venus Engelbertha bright as an angel.
mars Engelbricht Bright fighter
venus Engeleis Slovenian form of the word angel.
venus Engeleisia kind like an angel.
venus Engelieth a battle.
venus Engelisa a messenger.
venus Engelise someone who transfers messages; a messenger.
mars Engelram an extremely pure soul or an angel.
venus Engie good news
mars Engilram Old German form of Ingram.
mars Engin Large
venus Engis an enigma.
venus Engla Angel
venus Englbehrt a bright angel.
venus Engleberta A bright angel
venus English From England
venus Engracia Graced
mars Enguerran Old French form of Engilram (see Ingram). This was the name of several medieval French nobles from Picardy.
mars Enguerrand Raven
mars Engunan One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Engy a beautiful queen.
venus Enheduanna From Sumerian En-hedu-anna, derived from 𒂗 (en) meaning "lady, high priestess" combined with 𒃶𒌌 (hedu) meaning "ornament" and the god's name An 2. This was the Sumerian title of a 23rd-century BC priestess and poet, identified as a daughter of Sargon of Akkad. Presumably she had an Akkadian birth name, but it is unrecorded. She is regarded as one of the earliest known poets.
mars Eni a black female deer.
venus Enia Kernal
venus Eniafe A beloved man.
venus Enid Soul
venus Enidd soul, life
venus Enide fair or spirit.
venus Eniiyi A person of integrity.
venus Enija Latvian form of Annie.
venus Eniko Dear
venus Enim a word relating to deer.
venus-mars Eniola Wealthy Person
mars Enis One who is friendly.
venus Enisa Friend or companion
venus Enise Friend
venus Enit fair or woodlark.
mars Enitan Person of the story or person with a history.
mars Enitekiru Think before you act
venus Enjoli extremely pretty
venus-mars Enjolras To Terrify
mars Enkai Deep Ocean Waters
mars Enkh Means "peace, calm" in Mongolian.
venus Enkhjargal Peaceful happiness or peace blessing
venus Enkhtuya Ray of peace
mars Enki From Sumerian 𒂗 (en) meaning "lord" and 𒆠 (ki) meaning "earth, ground" (though maybe originally from 𒆳 (kur) meaning "underworld, mountain"). Enki, called Ea by the Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians, was the Sumerian god of water and wisdom and the keeper of the Me, the divine laws.
mars Enkidu Probably means "lord of the good place", from Sumerian 𒂗 (en) meaning "lord", 𒆠 (ki) meaning "place" and 𒄭 (du) meaning "good". This was the name of a wild man who became a companion of the Sumerian hero Gilgamesh, notably appearing in the Akkadian poem the Epic of Gilgamesh.
mars Enli That Dog Over There
venus Enlik Edelweiss
mars Enlil From Sumerian 𒂗 (en) meaning "lord" and possibly 𒆤 (lil) meaning "wind". Enlil was the Sumerian god of the wind and storms, the son of An and Ki. He was later worshipped by the Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and other Mesopotamian peoples [1].
mars Enmei bright circle or life sustaining.
mars Enn Estonian short form of Hendrik.
venus Enna Light
mars Ennae Variant of Énna.
venus Ennata Goddess
venus Enni this is a Finnish feminised form of the word Enna meaning edge of a sword.
mars Enniaun the family name of a great writer during ancient Roman civilization.
mars Ennio Of The Family Ennius
venus-mars Ennis Descendant Of Angus
venus Ennish island
mars Ennius Original Latin form of Ennio.
mars Enno strong with a sword.
mars Ennrique Ruler of the house
mars Enny feminised Finnish word for edge of a sword.
venus Ennya kernel
mars Eno a person who is extremely strong with a sword.
mars Enobarbus Form of Ahenobarbus used by Shakespeare in his play Antony and Cleopatra (1606).
mars Enoch Dedicated
mars Enofe One who is rich.
venus Enohor Blessing
mars Enok Dedicated or faithful
venus Enola Alone Spelled Backwards
mars Enoque Portuguese form of Enoch.
venus Enora other, foreign
mars Enos Man
mars Enosh Means "man, person, mortal" in Hebrew. He was a son of Seth and a grandson of Adam according to the genealogies in Genesis in the Old Testament.
venus Enota it is a Slovenian word for someone born on easter.
mars Enric Home ruler
venus Enrica Ever ruling, home ruler
venus Enrichetta home leader
venus Enrichette home leader
venus Enricka home leader
venus Enricketta home leader
mars Enrico Home Ruler
venus Enricua Female form of Enrique, meaning all powerful ruler.
venus Enrieta Enrieta is a variant of Henrietta and means state ruler'.
mars Enright Son of the attacker
venus Enrika complete ruler
venus Enriqua home leader
mars Enrique Home Ruler
venus Enriqueta home leader
venus Enriquette home leader
mars Enriquez a person who owns large estates and rules them.
mars Ensar it means helpers.
mars Ensio First
venus Ensley derived from a British palace in Nottinghamshire by the name of Annesley or Ann's meadow.
mars Entilak Marked; Noticeable; One of many names referring to Moon
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