Names starting with the letter F

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter F, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a F. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Flavia Yellow-coloured
mars Flavian Yellow, Blonde
venus Flaviana Feminine form of Flavian.
mars Flaviano Italian form of Flavian.
mars Flavianus Latin form of Flavian.
venus Flavie Yellow, golden
mars Flavien French form of Flavian.
venus Flavienne French feminine form of Flavian.
venus Flaviere yellow hair
mars Flavio Yellow-Haired
mars Flaviu Romanian form of Flavius, meaning golden or yellow haired.
mars Flavius Yellow-coloured
venus Flavyere yellow hair
venus Flecher A person who makes arrows
venus Flechia The happy times to remember
venus Fleda A fast-moving, swift and nimble-footed person
mars Fleet Creek
mars Fleetwood From an insignificant village called Fleet
mars Fleming From Flanders
mars Flemming From Flanders in Normandy
mars Flemmyng A man from the Flanders, a communuty settled in a part of Belgium
venus Flemyng A citizen; descendant from Flanders
mars Flenn Son of Flann
venus Flerida A cheerful and high-spirited woman
venus Fleta Swift
mars Fletch Arrow maker
mars Fletcher Arrow Maker
venus Fleur Flower
venus Fleurdelice Lily flower
venus Fleurette Flower
venus Fleurine Flower
venus Flick Lucky
venus Flicka peaceful ruler
venus Flieur Flower
mars Flinn Red
mars Flint Flint Rock
mars Flip Lover Of Horses
mars Fliss Derived from the Latin word Felicitas, it means happiness and prosperity
venus Flo Short Form Of Florence
venus Floarea Romanic word for a blooming flower
venus Flodwig A Dithematic name (linking two elements, mainly parent names)
venus Floella Like a flower
venus Floellen flowering, in bloom
mars Floemus As per Arthurian legend, steward to the King of Orkeney
venus Floke Guardian of the people.
mars Floki A heroic Viking.
venus Floor Thriving
venus Floortje Thriving
venus Flor Flower
venus Flora Flowering
venus Florabel Beautiful Flower
venus Floralia flower
venus Floramaria Flower Of Mary
venus Florance Of Latin origin meaning 'blossoming, flourishing'. Also the name of a famous Italian city.
mars Floranus Flourishing, flower
venus Flordeperia flower of pearl
venus Flore flowering, in bloom
mars Florea Variant of Florian.
venus Floree A flower; King Alain's daughter as per the legends
venus Florella flower
venus Florelle flower
venus Florena A variation of the word 'florence' which means to flower
venus Florenca flowering, in bloom
venus Florence Prosperous, Flowering
venus Florencia Prosperous, Flowering
mars Florencio A form of 'Florence' which means to prosper and blossom
venus Florencita flowering, in bloom
venus Florene A variant form of 'florence' to signify blooming or blossoming
venus Florens It means 'to flower'; prosperous being
venus Florense Flourishing
mars Florent It means to be 'in a flower form
venus Florentia flowering, in bloom
mars Florentijn Flowering
mars Florentin Flourishing
venus Florentina Flourishing
venus Florentine The bloomy one
mars Florentino A form of "Florentinus' which means 'to blossom or prosper
mars Florentinus A variation used in context of a blooming flower; flourishing
mars Florentius Original masculine form of Florence.
venus Florentyna flowering, in bloom
mars Florenz The word is French for 'a flower or blossom
venus Florenza flowering, in bloom
venus Florenze Flourishing
venus Florenzia flowering, in bloom
mars Flores Son Of Floro
venus Floressa flower
mars Florestan Flourishing
venus Floretta flower
venus Florette French diminutive of Flora.
venus Flori flowering, in bloom
venus Floria Flowering
mars Florian Flowering
venus Floriana Flourishing
venus Floriane Flowering
venus Florianne Variant of Floriane.
venus Floriano Italian variation of the name "Florian' meaning 'to flower or blossom
mars Florianus Latin form of Florian.
venus Florica It symbolises a flower
venus Florice The name represents a blossom or flower
venus Florida Feast Of Flowers
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