Names starting with the letter F

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter F, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a F. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Fuwad Attention or feeling or core.
mars Fuxi From Chinese 伏 (fú) meaning "prostrate, lying down" and 羲 (xī), a character that refers to the god himself. In Chinese mythology Fuxi is the twin brother and husband of Nüwa. He is said to have taught humans how to hunt and cook, as well as devising the trigrams. He is sometimes depicted with the body of a snake.
mars Fuyuko Winter, Child
mars Fuyum Reefers to firm and powerful man.
mars Fuyuzat Kindness or bigheartedness.
mars Fuzail The person who is talented or skilful.
venus Fyedora God's gift
mars Fyfe Variant of Fife.
mars Fygla A locational name for enclosure
venus Fyiynfoluwa Give praise to God. A person who never forgets to praise God for everything.
venus Fyllis greenery
mars Fylmer Refers to well known person or celebrity.
mars Fyn Fair haired warrior
mars Fynbar The one who has pale or grey colored hair.
venus Fynch Refers to a fowl or birdie.
venus Fynella white shoulder
mars Fynn Fair
mars Fyodor Gift Of God
venus Fyodora God's gift
venus Fyokla Russian form of Thekla.
venus Fyona white, fair
venus Fyoni White, fair
venus Fyonie White, fair
venus Fyrne Fern
venus Fyrnm Fern
mars Fytch The expensive white fur of ermine.
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