Names starting with the letter G

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter G, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a G. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Gilon Joy
mars Gilou Pledge Or Young Goat
mars Gilpin Gilpin is a male English name and means Trusted, The One who can be Trusted.
mars Gilroy Servant Of The Redhaired Man
mars Gils Old Norse - Father of Hedin; A variant form of Gisle and Gisli; Small goat; Son of the bishop's servant;
mars Gilson Gilson is more used as a surname than a first name and means The Bright Pledge.
mars Giltbert Derived from the Old German elements gelt "payment, tribute, compensation" and beraht "bright".
mars Gim Gim means Pricous Stone, Gem in Old English
venus Gimbya Princess
mars Gimer The name Gimer means Famous in Battle.
venus Gimle New heaven.
venus Gimma Italian name Gimma means Precious Stone
venus Gin Silver
venus Gina Queen
venus Ginah Farmer
venus Ginara God is gracious
venus Ginata Flower
mars Gindoc Gindoc is a male name that means Flower.
venus Ginebra juniper tree
venus Ginella maiden
venus Ginelle virgin
venus Ginerva Form Of Guinevere
mars Gines Spanish form of Genesius.
venus Ginetta God is gracious
venus Ginette God is gracious; virgin; maiden
venus Ginevra Fair One
venus Ginevre juniper tree
mars Gingalin The name Gingalin has roots in Arthurian legends and means The Fair .
venus Gingata Old English name comes from the Italian word and means Flower.
venus Gingee pep, liveliness; ginger
venus Ginger Reddish Orange Color
venus Gingia maiden
venus Gingie pep, liveliness; ginger
venus Gini The meaning of the name Gini is Gold.
venus Ginia maiden
venus Ginibala The female name Ginibala means Goldy.
venus Ginika What can be greater than God?
venus Ginikachukwu There's nothing greater than a child and "there's nothing greater than the Lord
venus Ginikanwa What is greater than a child?
venus Ginista broom plant
venus Ginjer pep, liveliness; ginger
mars Ginjiro Good Silver
venus Ginka Diminutive of Gergina.
venus Ginna Ginna is a variation of Vigrinia and means Virgin.
venus Ginnee virgin
venus Ginnette God is gracious
venus Ginni Gold
venus Ginnie Fair, white, soft
venus Ginnifer Combination Of Virginia And Jennifer
venus Ginnungagap The abyss that gives birth to all living things.
venus Ginny Diminutive Form Of Virginia
mars Gino Farmer
mars Gintaras The name Gintaras means Amber.
venus Gintare Feminine form of Gintaras.
mars Gintas Protector Of The People
mars Gintautas From the Lithuanian root gin- "to defend" and tauta "people, nation".
mars Ginter Battle, Army
mars Ginti Counting; Calculating
mars Ginton Ginton means a Form of a Garden, A Garden.
venus Ginya maiden
mars Gio Farmer
venus Gioa Gioa means means Joy in Italian.
venus Gioacchina The name Gioacchina means Established by Yahweh.
mars Gioacchino Giacchino is an Italian name and means Raised by Yahweh.
mars Gioachino The name Gioachino means Established by Yahweh.
mars Giobbe Italian form of Job.
venus Gioconda delight
venus Giocosa joking
mars Gioele Italian version of the name Yoele and means God is Good.
venus Gioia Happiness
mars Giolla Servant
mars Giomar Germanic - Famous in Battle; A variant name of Geomar;
mars Giona A Dove
venus Gionata The meaning of the name Gionata is A Gift From God
venus Gionna God is gracious
mars Giora Giora means Strong in Hebrew.
venus Giordana Giordana means To Flow Down, To Descend.
mars Giordano The name Giordano meand to Flow, To Descend.
mars Giorgi Georgian form of George, meaning farmer
venus Giorgia Farmer
mars Giorgie Farmer
venus Giorgina farmer
mars Giorgino Giorgino is an Italian name and means Earth Worker
mars Giorgio Farmer
mars Giorgios The meaning of Giorgios is the Farmer of the Earth.
mars Giorgos Giorgos is a Greek name and means Farmer.
venus Giorgyna farmer
venus Giorsal Giorsal is a Gaelic name and means Having Grey Hair,
venus Giosepa A cognate of Giuseppa, meaning he will add.
venus Giosetta Italian form of Josette.
mars Giosue God is salvation
mars Giotto Possibly from Ambrogiotto, a diminutive of Ambrogio, or Angiolotto, a diminutive of Angiolo. This name was borne by Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337), an Italian painter and architect.
mars Giovan God is gracious
venus Giovana God is gracious
venus Giovanah God is gracious
mars Giovanbattista Combination of Giovanni and Battista.
mars Giovani God is gracious
venus Giovanna God Is Gracious
venus Giovannetta Diminutive of Giovanna.
mars Giovanni God Is Gracious
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