Names starting with the letter G

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter G, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a G. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Guenevere White Ghost, Phantom
venus Guenhumara They are very hardworking and want to live with family and friends.
venus Guenhwyvar They are idealistic and love to live in dreams.They are understanding,hardworking and intelligent.
venus Guenievre French form of Guinevere.
venus Gueniver fair and smooth
venus Guenivere They are good learner,understanding and excellent.They have good ability to solve issues.
venus Guenna fair and smooth; fair bow; blessed ring
venus Guennola fair and smooth
mars Guenole Valor
mars Guenter They value truth,justice and discipline.They are quick in decision making.
mars Guenther Thaey have good qualities of leadership and organization.They feel happy to serve and others.
mars Guerino Italian form of Warin.
mars Guerngen They are very hardworking and finish all their task which they start.They are fond of their comfort.
venus Guerra War, Soldier
venus Guerrero Soldier, Warrior
venus Guevara Prominent
mars Guffd Serpent God; Snake Lord
venus Gufrina Pardon or Forgiveness
mars Guga Meditation staff
mars Guggul Guggle are harsh spoken persons but they are on the same way kind hearted also.
venus Guglielma will-helmet; determined protector
mars Guglielmo Protector
venus Gugu Sweet; Flower
venus Gugulethu From Xhosa, Zulu and Ndebele igugu "treasure, pride" and lethu "our".
venus Guha Guha are deligent natured persons. They work hard but can easily frustrated.
mars Guhamaya With the Moon as his Banner, The one who is independent, courageous, ambitious. Who lives his own life.
mars Guhan One of the many names of Lord Muruga
venus Guhika Bird
mars Guhya One of many names of Lord Vishnu; Has a Sanskrit meaning as Mystery, Secret, Mystical, Concealed or Hidden
mars Gui Gomati are self-centered and dominated persons. They are blunt and preffered to work and live alone.
venus Guia Guide
venus Guida guide
mars Guidgen A first century Welsh saint who drove the resistance against the Romans.
mars Guidlovius Guidlovius means the person who can guide a group or a cummunity.
mars Guido Forest Guide
mars Guifre Catalan form of Vilifredus, a Latinized form of Willifrid (or perhaps a Visigothic cognate). This was the name of a 9th-century count of Barcelona.
mars Guilbert Bright pledge
mars Guildford From The Marsh Marigold Ford
mars Guilem Strong guardian
mars Guilherme Protector
venus Guiliaine Hostage
venus Guiliana Young
venus Guilianna Young
mars Guilio Youthful strong person who is full of life.
mars Guillame Germanic - Resolute Fighter; French equivalent of William;
mars Guillaume Strong-willed Warrior
venus Guillelmina determined protector
venus Guillelmine determined protector
mars Guillelmus A fearless defender who can do anything to protect his beloved.
mars Guillem Protector
venus Guillema determined protector
venus Guillemette determined protector
venus Guillemine determined protector
mars Guillerme Galician form of William.
mars Guillermin They are cheerful,gorgeous and ideal.They have artistic and musical ability.
venus Guillermina Feminine Form Of Guillermo
mars Guillermo Strong-willed Warrior
mars Guim Short form of Guillem.
venus Guin Fair, white, soft
mars Guinan They are vesatile,responsible but lazy.They are active and fulfill all their promises.
mars Guinebas They have many qualities and artistic.They are very emotional and good listner.
mars Guinemains They are practical,scientific and intelligent.They creat irritability and have strong temper.
mars Guinevak Unknown
venus Guinever fair and smooth
venus Guinevere White Ghost, Phantom
mars Guingual They have negative influences in their lives.They have lack of positivity and confidence.
mars Guingualum They are very creative in art,music and drama.They love independence and freedom.
venus Guinivere Guinivere means fair, white. A girl with great beauty and white color.
venus Guinn Guinn means a person who is reliable for friendship. In simple words or a literal meaning of guinn is "Friend
venus Guinna fair and smooth
venus Guiomar Possibly derived from the Germanic name Wigmar, which was formed of the elements wig "war, battle" and mari "famous". In the medieval Lancelot-Grail Cycle he plays a minor role as a cousin of Guinevere, who banishes him after he becomes a lover of Morgan le Fey. In modern Portugal and Spain it is a feminine name.
mars Guirdeep Light of the Teacher; Brightness and Luminance of a Teacher
mars Guiscard Brave and hardy
venus Guiseppa God gives
mars Guiseppe Italian type of JOSEPH.In Biblical the significance of the name Joseph is: Increase; expansion.
venus Guiseppina Jehovah increases
venus Guita World or universe. It's also a kind of song.
venus-mars Guitain Heart Of Young Wolf
mars Guiying From Chinese 桂 (guì) meaning "laurel, cassia, cinnamon" combined with 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero". This name can be formed from other character combinations as well.
mars Gujyaka An individual who is enriching, inquisitive and blissful
venus-mars Gul Rose Flower
venus Gula Means "the great" in Sumerian. This may have originally been a title rather then a name. Gula was a Sumerian and Akkadian goddess of healing, medicine and midwifery. She was often depicted alongside dogs. In later periods she was equated with other healing goddesses such as Ninisina.
venus Gulaab Gulaab is the urdu name of beautiful rose flower.
venus Gulab Rose
mars Gulabrai Gulabrai means the rose flower. It is the mesculine of gulaab name.
venus Gul'adhar They are soft like a flower and give good smell to others.They are very soft,kind and sensitive.
venus Gulaisha Alive flower
venus Gulaiym Flower lady
mars Gulal Colour Red; One who is bright and colourful; Spiritful like the colours
venus Gulalai k8
mars Gulam Ghulam is an arabic words which means young and handsome servant in paradise.
venus Gulandam Slender and delicate, Having the form like a flower.
venus Gulay Rose Moon
venus Gulayna A combination of flower and mirror
venus Gulbadam Flower, or as beautiful as flower
venus Gulbadan Gul means rose flower and badan is an urdu word which means body. Gulbadan means a body which is beautiful and soft like roses.
venus Gulbagh Gulbagh means the garden of roses or a paradise.
venus Gulbahar Like a rose in spring
venus Gul Bano Gul Bano is the name of the Princess of flowers.
mars Gulbar Gulbar means the person who pelt flowers everywhere.
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