Names starting with the letter H

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter H, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a H. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Hetarth Distribute Love
mars Hetav Give love
mars Hetbir Love of the Brave; Loving Warrior; Courageous and Brave Guardian
venus Hetepheres From Egyptian ḥtp-ḥrs meaning "satisfied is her face", from ḥtp "peace, satisfaction" and ḥr "face". This was the name of queens consort and princesses from the Egyptian 4th dynasty (26th century BC).
venus Hetha Strong
mars Hetheclif From the Heath Cliff
mars Hethin dark-skinned, swarthy
mars Hethor the house of Horus Greek form of Egyptian word
venus Heti Flame; Light; Fire
mars Hetpaul Protector of Love; Guardian of love; Compassionate and Kind
venus Hetta contention and strife; home leader
venus Hette home leader
venus Hetti House Owner, Female Version of Henry
venus Hettie Home ruler
venus Hetty Home Ruler
mars Hetuhamy A Hindu Boy name with uncertain meaning
mars Hetuka Hindu Lord Ganesh
mars Hetul Happy; Content; Glad; Delighted; Joyful
mars Hetuwa An old Sri-Lankan name with lost meaning
mars Hetveer A hindi Boy name
venus Hetvi Love
mars Hetvik A male name of Hindu origin
venus Heufemia Spanish Girls name
mars Heufric A powerful battle
venus-mars Heulog sunny
venus Heulwen Sun Blessed, Fair
mars Heurle A tide of the sea
mars Heutte A wise small man
venus Hevean Paradise
mars Hevel Breath Or Vanity
venus Heven Paradise
venus Hevin Paradise
venus Həvva Azerbaijani form of Eve (via Arabic Ḥawāʾ).
mars Hew Heart; Bright in Mind and Spirit
mars Hewad Homeland
mars Hewald A male ruler
mars Hewe Bright in Mind and Spirit
mars Hewet Small, The Intelligent
mars Hewez Unknown
mars Hewie Variant of Hughie.
mars Hewin A well-born, noble man
mars Hewitt From The Cutting
mars Hewlett Little Hugh, Intelligent
mars Hewlitt Mind Little Hugh, Intellect, Intelligent One
mars Hewrey A noble man who lives near a rye field
mars Hewson Settlement of Houses, Son of Hugh
venus Heyam degrees of love
mars Heyan Little red talker
mars Heydar Like a lion
mars Heydər Azerbaijani form of Haidar.
mars Heymanpreet God of Gold
mars Heyne Ruler of the house
mars Heyward watchman of the grounds, game preserve
mars Heywood From the Hedged Forest
mars Hezekiah God Strengthens
mars Hezly Uknown
mars Hezro Biblical Hebrew - Enclosed
mars Hezron Hebrew - From the walled Town; Surrounded by Wall; Enclosed
mars Hiacynt Polish form of Hyacinthus.
venus Hiacynta Polish feminine form of Hyacinthus.
mars Hiamovi High Chief
mars Hian Macho
venus Hiari Free will
mars Hiatt From the High Gate
mars Hiawatha Native American - Maker of Rivers
venus Hiba Gift
venus Hibah Gift
mars Hibald genuine and bold
venus Hibatallah Gift of God
venus Hibatullah Gift of Allah
mars Hibb Darling, Dear
venus Hibba Gift from Almighty Allah
venus Hibbah Gift of the God
mars Hibban Lovers, Beloved One
mars Hibbot It was a surname in Old germanic
venus Hibiki Echo
mars Hibine Sound, Ring, Echo
venus Hibiscus Colorful flower
venus Hibo Somali form of Hiba.
mars Hicel A male Anglo-Saxon name for the low-borns
venus Hicela An old Anglo-Saxon female name
mars Hicham Alternate transcription of Arabic هشام (see Hisham) chiefly used in North Africa.
mars Hickory Hickory is in reference to the tree;
mars Hicks Family Of Richard
mars Hickson Countryman
venus Hicran Means "separation, parting" in Turkish and Azerbaijani (of Arabic origin).
mars Hid From the Hide
venus Hida Present, Gift, Warrior, Friendly
mars Hidaayat Guidance, Instruction
mars Hidalgo Noble One
venus Hidaya The Guidance
venus Hidayah Guidance of the right path
venus Hidayat True Guidance of Allah
venus Hidayati Light for the right path
mars Hidayatulhaq Guidance of the Truth from Allah
mars Hidayatullah Direction of Allah
mars Hidayət Azerbaijani form of Hidayat.
mars Hidda A name given to Anglo-Saxon low-borns
mars Hidde Originally a short form of names beginning with the Old German element hilt meaning "battle".
mars Hiddi A name for the non noble born man
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