Names starting with the letter H

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter H, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a H. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Hubrecht Dutch variant of Hubert.
mars Hubricht Bright heart or spirit
mars Hubur Joy
mars Huca Hang Up, Call Again (Abbr), A Vietnami name also
venus Hucca A low-born woman's name
venus Hucel A girl of low heritage
venus Hucela A baby girl of low ranks
mars Huck Short Form Of Huckleberry
mars Huckleberry Sweet Berry
venus Huctia An Old English name
mars Hud Hugh's son
venus Huda Enlightenment, Guidance
mars Hudad A pre-Islamic Arabic King's name
venus Hudana She is mute
mars Hudd Brave Ruler
mars Hudde A form of Hugh, meaning heart, mind, spirit.
mars Huddy From a pet form of the medieval personal name Hudde
venus Hudeca An Anglo-Saxon girl's name
venus Huder A female name of Anglo-Saxon origin
venus Hudes One who is praised by everyone.
mars Hudhafah An old Arabic name
mars Hudhaifah An ancient Arabic name
mars Hudhayfah An Arabic name from the ancient times
mars Hudn Peace; Calm; Quiet
mars Hudson Son Of Hudd
venus Hudun A woman who is quiet
venus Hue Lily Flower
mars Huego Heart, spirit
venus Huela Feminine Form Of Hugh Or Short Form Of Consuela
venus Huella mind, intellect
venus Huelo Ray of light
mars Huerta Hilltop Or Fortress
venus Huetta mind, intellect
venus Huette mind, intellect
venus Huetts Little Hugh
mars Huey Bright In Mind And Spirit
mars Huff Lives By A Ridge Or Hollow
venus Huffman Man/Steward Of A Farm
venus Hufriya A woman having much love in her heart.
mars Huful Plenty; Abundance
mars Hug One who is full of spirit.
mars Hugbald Bold Mind
mars Hugbert Shiny in thinking
mars Hugeburc One who has a heart and a mind
venus Hugette mind, intellect
venus Hugga A spiritual, heartfelt person
mars Huggahalli Name of a Sage; A saint's name
mars Hugh Bright In Mind And Spirit
mars Hughard Derived from the Old German elements hugu "mind, thought, spirit" and hart "hard, firm, brave, hardy".
mars Hughe Heart, spirit
mars Hughes Heart, spirit
venus Hughetta heart,mind,spirit,intelligent
venus Hughette mind, intellect
mars Hughie Heart, spirit
venus Hughina mind, intellect
mars Hughoc strong desire
mars Hugi intelligent,smart
mars Hugiet intelligent
mars Hugin One who is thoughtful
venus Hugina mind, intellect
mars Hugleikr Old Norse name derived from hugr "mind, thought, mood" and leikr "play".
mars Hugo Bright In Mind And Spirit
venus Hugolina bright spirit
venus Hugolinae serious,mature,stable
mars Hugon quality
mars Hugone intelligence
mars Hugubert Old German form of Hubert.
mars Hugues Germanic - Heart; Mind; Spirit; A variant of name Hugh
venus Huguette Bright In Mind And Spirit
mars Huguo Old German variant of Hugo.
venus Huhana Maori form of Susan.
mars Huhha active,attentive
mars Huhu In attentive response;
venus Huhulu The one who glows
mars Huhusecaska White Bones
venus Hui Benevolent; Spledor
mars Huicho A fond name for Luis, in Spanish
venus Huihana Maori word for lily or lotus.
mars Huilen Spring
mars Huitaca Goddess Of Wine And Debauchery
mars Huitzilihuitl Feather of a hummingbird
mars Huitzilin Hummingbird
mars Huitzilli Hummingbird
mars Huitzilopochtli Means "left side of the hummingbird" or "southern hummingbird" in Nahuatl, derived from huitzilin "hummingbird" and ōpōchtli "left, south" [1]. In Aztec mythology he was the god of the sun and war. He was a patron deity of the city of Tenochtitlan (at the site of modern Mexico City).
venus Huixtocihuatl Name of Aztec fertility goddess
venus Hujaymah means
venus Hujayrah narrator of hadith
mars Hujjat demonstration,proof
mars Hujjatulislam proof of islam
mars Hujjatullah another name of prophet idris
venus Huk English - Resembling the fruit;Honest,Pervading, Orderly
mars Hukam order,command
venus Hukaymah umaymah's and ruqayqah's grand daughter
venus Hukayman mahmood bin muhammad(reciter of quran) daughters
mars Hukm order,command
venus Hukmee Commander, The One With Authority; God Like; One with the power to command; A variant spelling is Hukmi
venus Hukmi commander,the one with authority
mars Hukum Order; God's Will; God's Command
mars Hukumjeet Victory with God's Will; Success of God's will; Triumph of God's Command
mars Hukumpreet Love for God's Will; One who love to follow God's Command
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