Names starting with the letter J

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter J, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a J. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Jameeliah Woman with dashing looks
mars Jameen Woind blowing from suoth
venus Jameerah Beautiful
venus Jamei he who supplants
venus Jameila lovely
mars Jamel Beautiful
venus Jamela Beauty
mars Jamele Arabic name meaning beautiful
venus Jamelia Beauty
venus Jameliah A gorgeus woman
mars Jamell Arabic name describing beauty
venus Jamella She who is beautiful
mars Jamelle One of great beauty
venus Jamely She who is from the valley
venus Jamelya One from the glen
venus Jamena A holy river
mars Jameon One who tames
mars Jamereal Arabic name for Boys
venus-mars James Supplanter
venus Jamese Form Of James
mars Jamesen A supplanter
venus Jamesetta he who supplants
venus Jamesette he who supplants
venus Jamesie Holder of heel
venus Jamesina he who supplants
mars Jameson Son Of James
mars Jamesy God may protect
venus-mars Jamey he who supplants
venus Jameya One who heals
venus Jami he who supplants
venus Jamia he who supplants
mars Jamian A right hand of favor
venus-mars Jamie one who supplants
venus Jamiel He who is handsome
venus Jamiela A chaste woman
venus Jamielee he who supplants
mars Jamiell Arabic name for Boys
venus Jamielle One who follows
venus Jamie-Lynn Nickname for James; Lynn(waterfall)
mars Jamieson Son of Jamie
mars Jamil Beautiful, Elegant
venus Jamila Beautiful, Elegant
venus Jamilah Beauty
mars Jamile A handsome man
venus Jamilee A woman of great beauty
venus Jamileh A beautiful woman
venus Jamilia beautiful
venus Jamiliah A gorgeus woman
mars Jamill A good looking man
venus Jamilla Beauty
venus Jamillah Beatuy
venus Jamille beautiful; lovely
venus Jamillia lovely
venus Jamilya Variation of Arabic name Jamil, means beauty
venus Jamilyn he who supplants
venus Jamima A biblical name meaning 'dove'.
mars Jamin A right hand of favor
venus Jamina dove
venus Jamine Created Name
venus Jamini Night
venus Jaminie A flower
mars Jamir Handsome
venus Jamirah Unknown
mars Jamis Son of James
mars Jamison Son Of James
venus Jamisyn A name for girls
venus Jamiya A surrogate, a replacement
venus Jamiyah Arabic name meaning gathering
mars Jamling A generous, approachable and efficient being
mars Jammal He who is handsome
mars Jamman Arabic name for Boys
venus Jammana A pearl or a gem
mars Jammas One who is naughty and sprightly.
mars Jammaz Name of Muhammad Ibn amr who related anecdotes and recited poetry at the court of al-mutawwakil
mars Jammel He who is beautiful
venus Jammi She who looks beautiful
venus Jammie Jammie is a variaiton of Jamie and means 'Yahweh may protect', 'heel' or 'supplanter'.
mars Jamna Similar to Yamuna; An Indian River
mars Jamon Right Hand Of Favor
venus Jampa Kindness or benevolence
mars Jamshaid The rays of the sun
mars Jamshed A shining river
mars Jamsheed Sun's rays
mars Jamshid A shining light
mars Jamuh One who is defiant
venus Jamuna Holy River
venus Jamya Supplanter
venus Jamyah One who is replacing
mars Jamyang Means "gentle song" in Tibetan, from འཇམ ('jam) meaning "gentle, soft" and དབྱངས (dbyangs) meaning "song, voice".
venus Jamye Feminine form of James, means to replace
mars Jamyl Arabic name meaning beauty
venus Jamyla A good-looking woman
mars Jamyn A beautiful one
mars Jamys He who grasps the heel
venus-mars Jan God Is Gracious
venus Jana God Is Gracious
venus Janaan A beloved one
venus Janada Variation of James, a supplanter
mars Janadeva God of men
venus Janae God Is Gracious
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