Names starting with the letter J

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter J, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a J. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Jennalyn heaven
venus Jennara January
venus Jennarae heaven
venus Jennasee heaven
venus Jennasis origin, birth
venus Jennavieve One who possess good spiritual moralities.
venus Jennay God has given his blessings to me.
venus Jennaya Elaboration Of Jenny
venus Jenne fair and smooth
venus Jennea One who is very good person
venus Jennee fair and smooth
venus Jennefer fair and smooth
venus Jenneffer fair and smooth
venus Jenneigh A pretty white skinned lady
venus Jennele The precious most gift from God
venus Jennell God's grace is precious above all.
venus Jennelle Diminutive Form Of Jennifer
mars Jenner Of The Family Of Jens/John
venus Jennessa Combination Of Jennifer And Vanessa
venus Jennet God is gracious
venus Jennett God is gracious
venus Jennetta God is gracious
venus Jennette God has showed his mercy upon mankind.
venus Jenneva White Wave/Giver Of Life
venus Jennex One who is attractive and good looking
venus Jenney fair and smooth
venus Jenni Fair, soft
venus Jennica Combination Of Jennifer And Jessica
venus Jennice God is gracious
venus Jennie Diminutive Form Of Jennifer
venus Jennifar A fair or white person
venus Jennifer Fair Phantom Or White Wave
venus Jennifeur fair and smooth
venus Jenniffer fair and smooth
mars Jennifyn Beautiful White Wave
venus Jennigje God is merciful
venus Jennika Refers to soft, loving and caring person.
venus Jennilee Combination of Jenny and Lee
venus Jennilie A gracious gift from God
venus Jennilyn God is full of gracious love.
venus Jennin God is gracious
venus Jennine God is gracious
mars Jennings God is merciful
venus Jennipher One who is stunning and kindful.
venus Jennique Unknown
venus Jennis God Is Gracious
venus Jennison Son of Jan
mars Jennitha Unknown
venus Jenniver fair and smooth
venus Jennlika Created Name
venus Jennsen God has shown favour
venus Jenny Diminutive Form Of Jennifer
venus Jennyann Variation of Jenny (God is graceful)
venus Jennye God has been fair and yielding
venus Jennyfer fair and smooth
venus Jennyl Combination Of Jennifer And Beryl
venus Jeno Old Greek - Well-born; Noble; A derivative of French name Eugene.
mars Jenoah Unclear
mars Jenofonte Strange Voice
venus Jenovefa juniper tree
venus Jenralyn Refers to an intelligent and bold girl.
mars Jens God Is Gracious
mars Jense Variation of Jens or Johannes of John which means God is Gracious
mars Jensen Son Of Jens
mars Jenseraq Young animal
mars Jensey High class born or noble birth.
venus Jensina God is gracious
venus Jensine god is gracious
venus-mars Jenski Coming Home
mars Jenson God is gracious
mars Jensynn Junior Johannes or son of Johannes (God is gracious)
mars Jenton Jehovah has favoured with a son
venus Jentrie Nobility or aristocracy
venus Jentry Nobility
venus Jentzie A noble born or a high born
venus-mars Jenue From Jenue, Nigeria
mars Jenus Another name of Lord Ganesha.
venus Jeny The farmer who owns a paddy field.
venus Jenya The one who is impressive in appearance.
mars Jenyd The one who commands with a speed of spear.
venus Jenyfer fair and smooth
venus Jeoconda delight
mars Jeong Silent and chaste
mars Jeong-Ho From Sino-Korean 正 (jeong) meaning "right, proper, correct" combined with 好 (ho) meaning "good, excellent" or 浩 (ho) meaning "great, numerous, vast". This name can be formed by other hanja character combinations as well.
mars Jeong-Hui From Sino-Korean 正 (jeong) meaning "right, proper, correct" or 靜 (jeong) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" combined with 姬 (hui) meaning "beauty" or 熙 (hui) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious". Other combinations of hanja characters can form this name as well.
mars Jeong-Hun From Sino-Korean 正 (jeong) meaning "right, proper, correct" and 勛 (hun) meaning "meritorious deed, rank", as well as other hanja character combinations.
venus Jeong-Suk From Sino-Korean 貞 (jeong) meaning "virtuous, chaste, loyal" or 正 (jeong) meaning "right, proper, correct" combined with 淑 (suk) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming". Other hanja combinations are possible.
mars Jeor Created Name
mars Jeordie A farmer, native of Tyneside
mars Jeorg Old Greek - Farmer; Earthworker; A variant transcription of George
venus Jeorjia The girls who works in a farmhouse.
venus Jeovana God is gracious; father
venus Jeovanna God is gracious; father
mars Jep Medieval diminutive of Geoffrey.
mars Jephtha Variant of Jephthah.
mars Jephthah Means "he opens" in Hebrew, derived from the root פָּתַח (paṯaḥ) meaning "to open" [1]. In the Old Testament this is the name of a ruling judge. He successfully defended Israel from the Ammonites, but was then obliged to sacrifice his daughter because of a vow he had made.
mars Jeppe Following after
mars Jepson From an English surname that meant "son of Jep".
mars Jeptha Variant of Jephthah.
mars Jer A spear or a pointed edge of a pole
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