Names starting with the letter J

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter J, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a J. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Jadallah A prosperity of God
venus Jadalyn A combination of name Jada and Lyn and it means a beautiful little spirit
mars Jadan Green stone, thankful
venus Jadda Green stone
mars Jaddua Known
venus-mars Jade Green Gemstone
venus Jadeana precious stone
mars Jadee precious stone
venus Jadelyn A jaded, tired woman
venus-mars Jaden Combination Of Jay And Aiden
venus Jadene Green stone
venus Jadesola Come out into wealth.
venus Jadesolaoluwa One who has come out to the wealth of God.
mars Jadey Like The Jade Stone
venus Jadeyn precious stone
mars Jadhav A name that means Yadava
mars Jadhava One who is Jadu's descendant
venus Jadida One who is not used, a fresh, new one
venus Jadie Derived from the name of the element jadite, a gemstone of light green or blue colour.
mars Jadiel God is my Fortune; Spanish variant of Hebrew name Gadiel
mars Jadien precious stone
mars Jadil haqq One who follows the truth in life
mars Jadin Hebrew - Thankful; A variant of Jade
venus Jadine Jade-like
venus Jadira precious stone
mars Jadis Apparently created by C.S. Lewis for the character
mars Jadon Form Of Jaden
venus Jadona One who was heard by Jehovah
venus J'Adore I adore
venus Jadra precious stone
mars Jadran One who is named after the Adriatic sea
venus Jadranka A woman named after the Adriatic sea
mars Jadranko A man who belongs to Hadria, or from Hadria.
mars Jadrian precious stone
mars Jadrien She has eyes the color of the Adriatic sea
venus Jadrienne precious stone
mars Jadu One who is Magical
venus Jadvyga Lithuanian form of Hedwig.
venus Jadwa She was a gif, a present
mars Jadwal One who lives near the brook
venus Jadwiga War Battle
venus Jadwige safety in battle
mars Jadwyn One who is a stonecutter's friend
mars Jady precious stone
venus Jadyn Form Of Jaden
venus Jadzia War Battle
mars Jae A popular name in India meaning 'victory'.
mars Jaecar German - Hunter; A variant og Jaegar
mars Jaece One who heals others
venus Jaeda Green stone
venus Jaede A woman who is good and kind
mars Jaeden Green stone, thankful
mars Jaedon Green stone, thankful
mars Jaedyn One who will be judged by the God and is thankful
mars Jaegar Hunter
mars Jaeger Hunter
venus Jae Hwa Respect and beauty, One who is rich and prosperous.
venus Jael mountain goat
venus Jaela Wild Mountain Goat
venus Jaelana blue crested bird
venus Jaeleah blue crested bird
venus Jaeleen Jaybird
venus Jaeleigh A mountain goat
venus Jaella A woman who is prominent
venus Jaelle mountain goat
venus Jaelyn Supplanter
venus Jaelynn She is a replacement
venus Jaema Follower
mars Jaen ostrich
venus Jaena blue crested bird
mars Jaenbeorht An Archbishop's name
venus Jaenbert The bright follower of God
venus Jaenelle blue crested bird
venus Jaenette blue crested bird
mars Jae-Seong True, Sincere
mars Jaeson Healer
venus-mars Jaetyn Created Name
mars Jaf Stream
mars Jafar Stream
mars Jafari Rivulet, Stream
mars Jafarsaadiq A name of the early leader of Islam
mars Jafaru Rivulet, Stream
venus Jafe A woman who is a beauty
mars Jafet Hebrew - Enlargement; May he expand; A variant transcription of Japheth
venus Jaffa beautiful
mars Jaffar River
venus Jaffe Beautiful
mars Jaffer River.
venus Jaffit Beautiful
venus Jafit Beautiful
mars Jag The Universe
venus Jaga Croatian, Serbian and Polish diminutive of Agatha, Jagoda, Jadwiga and other names containing ja.
mars Jagacandra A moon that is universal
mars Jagachandra Moon
venus Jagacitra Wonder of the Universe; In Sanskrit it literally means universe taken as a picture
mars Jagad Universe
venus Jagadamba Goddess Parvati
venus Jagadambika Goddess Durga
mars Jagadanand The helper of Lord Chaitanya
mars Jagadananda Pleasure of the Universe; Happiness of the world; Joy of the Universe
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