Names starting with the letter J

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter J, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a J. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Juily Juily name means Flower
venus Juin Born In June
mars Juinita people with this name have strong spirit and easily impress others.
mars Jujhar it means a firefly. Such people are jolly and have radiant personality.
venus Juji Heap Of Love
mars Juju people with this name are easy to understand and do their best to bring people together. They have a joyful personality.
venus-mars Juke Dance Suggestively
mars Jukka God is merciful
mars Juku Juku is a form of Richard. It means strong ruler.
venus Jul people with this name live their life very well and have understanding ability. They bring joy whereever they go.
venus Jula it means young. Such people have shine in their life and know their mind. They are unique and enjoy being in their friends.
venus Julaine youthful; Jove's child
mars Julaybib Brave Martyr
venus Julayna youthful; Jove's child
venus Jule From the tribe named julier
venus Juleata Bearded, father of the skies
venus Juleate Bearded, father of the skies
venus Julee youthful; Jove's child
venus Juleen youthful; Jove's child
venus Juleet Bearded, father of the skies
mars Julek Wearing a soft beard
mars Julen Jove's child
venus Julena youthful; Jove's child
venus Julene the word means youth. These people prove to be very lucky and natural in their attitude. They do not bear fake personalities.
venus-mars Jules Youthful
venus Julette youthful; Jove's child
venus Juley youthful; Jove's child
mars Julez Julez is a variation of Jules and means youthful.
venus Juli Youthful
venus Julia Youthful, Downy
venus Juliaeta youthful; Jove's child
venus Juliaetta youthful; Jove's child
venus Juliah Bearded, father of the skies
mars Julian Youthful, Downy
venus Juliana Feminine Form Of Julian
venus Juliane youthful; Jove's child
mars Juliani they focus on their physical appearance and posess many capabilities. They are noble, generous and kind.
venus Juliann youthful; Jove's child
venus Julianna Feminine Form Of Julian
venus Julianne Feminine Form Of Julian
mars Juliano such people are a pleasant ones and have passion to live and achieve their goal in life.
venus Juliany they are the great listeners and advicers. They take care of their physical appearance and prove to be youthful. They listen to their hearts.
venus Julie Youthful, Downy
venus Juliea such people love to do little things in life and have importance of every little thing. They spread the harmony.
venus Julieana Bearded, father of the skies
venus Julieann youthful; Jove's child
venus Julieanna youthful; Jove's child
venus Julieanne Bearded, father of the skies
venus Juliek people with this name have childlike behaviour and are very sweet and cute in nature, they learn the lessons from their life.
mars Julien Bearded, father of the skies
venus Julienna they live their life with full luxury and have neatness . Their social circle is very big and easily inspire others.
venus Julienne Bearded, father of the skies
venus Juliet Soft-haired
venus Julieta youthful; Jove's child
venus Julieth they are heavenly sort of persons. Very simple living, elegant, easy going. People get impress from their simplicity and strong spiritual nature.
venus Juliett youthful; Jove's child
venus Julietta Bearded, father of the skies
venus Juliette Young, Downy
mars Julij people with this name are joyful and have a spark in nature. They are strong, courageous and live their life to the fullest with out any regret.
venus Julija they are known because of being social and get fame. They become wealthy with the passage of time. They are admirable persons.
mars Julijan Macedonian form of Julian. It means youthful.
venus Julijana People with this name are not unselfish. They are most admirable and are noble. Honest, charming , but stubborn.
venus Julina From the tribe named julier
venus Juline youthful; Jove's child
venus Julinha Soft-haired
venus Julinka Diminutive Form Of Julia
mars Julio Form Of Julius
mars Julio Cesar Combination of Júlio and César, referring to the Roman general Julius Caesar.
venus Julisa Combination Of JULIE And LISA
venus Julisha Combination Of Julia And Letitia
venus Juliska youthful; Jove's child
venus Julissa Combination Of Julia And Melissa
venus Julit Bearded, father of the skies
venus Julita youth
venus Julitta Bearded, father of the skies
mars Julius Youthful, Downy
mars Juliusz they do value their self respect a lot. Have unique personality and live their life well. good sense of humour.
venus Juliya Alternate transcription of Russian Юлия or Ukrainian Юлія (see Yuliya).
venus Juliza they have zeal for living and wants to acwuire knowledge. They keep learning with the passage of time and are unique.
venus Julja they have a fun side and live their life to the fullest.they have a strong spirit and cannot be changed easily.
venus Jullee youthful; Jove's child
venus Jullia youthful
mars Jullian people with this name are loyal and love their family a lot. They bring joy where ever they go and are good advisers.
venus Julliana youthful
venus Jullie youthful; Jove's child
venus Julliett Bearded, father of the skies
venus Jully youthful; Jove's child
mars Ju-long As powerful as a dragon
venus July Born In July
venus Julyan The meaning of the name Down-bearded youth
venus Julyana youthful; Jove's child
venus Julyane The meaning of the name is Youthful
venus Julyann Bearded, father of the skies
venus Julyanna youthful; Jove's child
venus Julyet youthful; Jove's child
venus Julyeta Bearded, father of the skies
venus Julyetta youthful; Jove's child
venus Julyette Bearded, father of the skies
venus Julyne youthful; Jove's child
venus Julyssa Julyssa name means Jupiter's Child, Downey
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