Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Kathaleen pure
venus Kathaleya pure
venus Kathaleyna pure
venus Kathaline pure
mars Kathamuthu Excellent in understanding and creating stories;
venus-mars Kathan Battle Victor
mars Kathani Statement, Utterance
venus Kathanika The name means Wording
mars Kathaperumal One of many names referring to Lord Vishnu
venus Katharina Pure
venus Katharine Pure
venus Katharyn pure
venus Katharyne pure
mars Kathavarayan A Tamil God; One of many names referring to Lord Shiva
venus Kathe pure
venus Kathee pure
venus Katheer Katheer means Copious, Abundant
mars Kathekhan A person who does good and is confronting
venus Kathelina pure
venus Katheline pure
venus Katheri Katheri means Untouched, Pure
venus Katherin pure
venus Katherina pure
venus Katherine Pure
venus Kathern Variation of Katherine which means Pure
venus Katheryn pure
venus Katheryne pure
venus Katherynn pure
venus Kathey pure
venus Kathi pure
venus Kathia pure
venus Kathian The name means True, Plain
venus Kathie Form of KATHERINE. Pure, Virginal
venus Kathika Kathika means Bestower of Courage
venus Kathileen pure
mars Kathir Ray; Abundant; Copious; Radiance; Brightness; Light
mars Kathiran Kathiran means the ray of Light
mars Kathiravan The Sun; Fire; Bright and Radiant Light
venus Kathire Kathire means Clear, Plain
mars Kathiresan The Sun; Fire; Bright and Radiant Light; Sun Shine
venus Kathirin pure
venus Kathiryn pure
venus Kathirynn pure
mars Kathit Well Narrated; Well Recited and described; One of many names of Lord Vishnu signifying him as the extrolled
mars Kathita Kathita means Praised by All, Well Recited
mars Kathith Recited
mars Kathiucia Pure Light
venus Kathleen Pure
venus Kathleena pure
venus Kathlena pure
venus Kathlene pure
venus Kathleyn pure
venus Kathlin pure
venus Kathline pure
venus Kathlyn pure
venus Kathlyne pure
venus Kathlynn pure
mars Kathora Firm; Hard; Strong;
venus Kathrene pure
venus Kathrin Pure
venus Kathrina pure
venus Kathrine pure
venus Kathrinna pure
venus Kathryn Pure
venus Kathryne pure
venus Kathrynn pure
venus Kathy Pure
venus Kathya pure
venus Kathyayani Goddess Parvati
venus Kathyleen pure
venus Kathyline pure
venus Kathylyne pure
venus Kathyrine pure
venus Kati pure
venus Katia Pure
venus Katiana Combination Name
venus Katianna Kathianna means Flawless, Neat
venus Katianne pure
mars Katib Means Writer, Scribe
venus Katica pure
venus Katida From Esperanto katido meaning "kitten", ultimately from Latin cattus.
venus Katie Pure
venus Katilyn pure
venus Katilynn The name means Clear, Transparent
venus Katima Powerful Daughter
venus Katin Katin means Daughter with Power
venus Katina Pure
venus Katinka Pure
venus Katiuscia Italian form of Katyusha.
venus Katiuska Spanish form of Katyusha. It was used in the 1931 Spanish opera Katiuska, la mujer rusa (Katiuska, the Russian Woman).
venus Katixa Form of Catalina
venus Katiya pure
venus Katja pure
venus Katka pure
venus Katla pure
venus Katlaina pure
venus Katleen pure
mars Katlego Achieving
venus Katleho Means "success, prosperity" in Sotho.
venus Katlin pure
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