Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Kahlila The name means Rejoicing
venus Kahlilia Sincere Friend
mars Kahlill The name means Friend in Arabic
mars Kahmat Surname amongst the Konkani Saraswat Brahmins of the Konkan and Malabar coasts of India
mars Kahn Priest
venus Kahnay A spontaneous and dedicated being
mars Kahnyr Kahnyr means Wisdom, Councel, Strenght
venus Kahoa Necklace
mars Kahoku Kahoku means The Star
mars Kahol Name of a Sage; An Ancient Indian Saint; Name means drinking water
mars Kahola Kahola means Dringking Water
mars Kaholo Nimble or light footed
mars Kahoni The kiss
mars Kahraman Kahraman means Hero
mars Kahu Harrier hawk, or cloak
mars Kahua Base or foundation
venus Kahuiwi Cloak particular to a certain tribe in New Zealand.
venus Kahukura Rainbow
venus-mars Kahula Dancing
mars Kahuna A secret
venus Kahurangi From the name of a type of green gemstone found in New Zealand, meaning "sky blue" in Maori.
venus-mars Kai Ocean
venus Kaia earth
venus Kaiah Earth
venus Kaiala Kaiala name means Pure and Torture
venus Kaianna Kaianna means Victory of the People
mars Kaiaphas Form of Caiaphas found in the Greek New Testament.
mars Kaid Round
venus Kaida Little Dragon
mars Kaidan Of Celtic origin meaning 'son of Cadan' a form of the English name Caden, meaning 'battle'.
venus Kaidee Kaidee name means Pure, Virgin
mars Kaiden From the wetlands
venus Kaidence The name means With Musical Rhytm
venus Kaidi Short form of Katariina.
mars Kaidyn Kaidyn name means Friend, Companion
mars Kaie combat
mars Kaif Delight
mars Kaifi Jolly; Tipsy; Intoxicated; Lusty; Lushy
venus Kaifiya The name means Esctatic, Happy
venus Kaiha Unknown
mars Kaiholo Moving sea
venus Kaija life, animal
mars Kaikane Masculine sea
mars Kaikara Traditional name of God
mars Kaikeya Descendants of the Kshatriyas of the Kekaya Janapada; Lord of horses
venus Kaikeyi Kaikeyi name means Mother of Bharat in Ramayan
mars Kaiko Strong current in the sea
venus Kaikoura New Zealand Place Name
mars Kaikura Ground squirrel
mars Kail Slender
venus Kaila Laurel, crown
mars Kailaashavaasi The Resident of Kailaash; One who belongs to the Himalayan Peak Mt Kailash believed as abode of Lord Shiva
venus Kailagh slim and fair
venus Kailah Laurel, crown
mars Kailan Kailan means Keeper of Keys, Pure
venus Kailani Sea And Sky
venus-mars Kailano Sea
mars Kailao War dance
venus-mars Kailas Name Of Shiva's Mountain Residence
venus Kailasa Kailasa name means SIlver Mountin
mars Kailasam The Himalayan Peak Mt Kailash believed as abode of Lord Shiva; One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Kailash A himalayan peak
mars Kailashchandra Lord Shiva
mars Kailashnath Lord Shiva
mars Kailasnath One of many names Lord Shiva signifying his abode in the Mt Kailash in Himalayas
venus Kailea Kailea name means in Hebrew Crowned with Laurel, in Celtic it means Church
venus Kaileah Kaileah name means Clear and Bright
venus Kailee slender
venus Kaileena The name means Torture or Pure
venus Kaileigh slim and fair; slender
venus Kailena Unknown
venus Kailene Kailene name means He Who Keeps the Keys
venus Kailey Slender
venus Kaili Name Of A Hawaiian Deity
venus Kailie slim and fair
mars Kailin The name means Keeper of the Keys
venus Kailla Kailla means Narrow
venus Kaille The name means Womanly
venus Kaillie The name means Church, Monastary
mars Kailum Kailum means The one who Has the Keys
venus Kaily Kaily means Social Celebration
venus Kailyn Pure
venus Kailynn Form of CAELYN - Meadow, waterfall pool
venus Kailynne Kailynne means She who has the Keys
mars Kaimana Power of the sea
venus Kaimee Kaimee means Seeker
venus Kaimi the seeker
mars Kain Battle, Fighter
venus Kaina Kaina name means Created by God
venus Kainaat Kainaat means All Creations
mars Kainalu Ocean that billows
mars Kainan Form of Cainan used in the Greek Bible.
venus Kainat Kainat means The Creation
venus Kainda Hunter's Daughter
mars Kaine Kaine means Spear, Battle
mars Kainga Kainga means relative in Tongan language.
mars Kainoa The namesake
mars Kainus Kainus name means Sober
mars Kainyechukwuekene Let's praise the Lord.
venus-mars Kaipo Sweetheart
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