Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Kripal Kripal means Kind
mars Kripalu Compassionate; Merciful; Kind; Generous and Benevolent
mars Kripanidhi One with heart full of mercy
mars Kripanyu The name means Praiser of God
mars Kripasagar Kripasagar means Ocean of Mercy
mars Kripashankar One who has blessing of Lord Shiva; Having mercy and grace of Lord Shankar
venus Kripi Kripi means Beautiful, Lovely
mars Kripl A spontaneous and nature loving person
venus-mars Kris Diminutive Form Of Names Beginning With Kris/Chris
venus Krisalyn Combination Of Kris And Lynn
venus Krisangi The name means Of a Delicate Frame
venus Krisann Krissan means The one who Follows Christ
mars Krisanu Flame, Fire, Light
mars Krischan Christian
mars Krisdapor The name means Christ to Bear
venus Krise Krise means The One With Curly Hair
mars Krish Harvest
venus Krisha Krisha means Divine
venus Krishadari The meaning of the name is Thin Wasted
mars Krishan A variant name of Lord Krishna; It holds a Sanskrit meaning as black or dark
mars Krishang The name means Lord Shiva
mars Krishanga Krishanga means Thin Bodied
mars Krishankanta A variant name of Lord Krishna; It holds a Sanskrit meaning as black or dark
mars Krishanth A variant name of Lord Krishna; It holds a Sanskrit meaning as black or dark
mars Krishanu The name means Flame, Fire
mars Krishav Krishav means Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva
mars Krishay A variant name of Lord Krishna; It holds a Sanskrit meaning as black or dark; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
mars Krishdeep Light of Lord Krishna; Brightness and Radiance of Lord Shri Krishna
mars Krishendren The name means Honourable
mars Krishendu A variant name of Lord Krishna; It holds a Sanskrit meaning as black or dark
venus Krishi Krishi means Farming, Agriculture
mars Krishil The name means Honor
mars Krishiv A combination of Lord Shri Krishna and Lord Shiva
mars Krishjeeth Considered as friend of Lord Krishna; One who is humorous and friendly
mars Krishna Black
mars Krishnabala Meaning of the name is Young Krishna
mars Krishna bala The name means Young Krishna
mars Krishnachand A variant name of Lord Krishna; It holds a Sanskrit meaning as black or dark
mars Krishnachandra The meaning of the name is Lord Krishna
mars Krishna chandra The name means Lord Krishna
mars Krishnadas One who serves Lord Shri Krishna; A servant of Lord Krishna; A worshiper of Lord Shri Krishna
mars Krishnadeva Krishnadeva means Lord Krishna
mars Krishnaiah Means Name of God
venus Krishnakali Krishnakali means A Flower
mars Krishnakant The name means Beloved of the God-Child
mars Krishnakanta The name means Lord Krishna
mars Krishnakumar A variant name of Lord Krishna; It holds a Sanskrit meaning as black or dark
mars Krishna kumar The name means Lord Krishna
mars Krishnala A variant name of Lord Krishna; It holds a Sanskrit meaning as black or dark
mars Krishnam A variant name of Lord Krishna; It holds a Sanskrit meaning as black or dark
mars Krishnamoorti An idol form of Lord Krishna; An incarnate of Lord Shri Krishna
mars Krishnamurari Meaning of the name is Lord Krishna
mars Krishnamurthy The name means Lord Krishna
mars Krishnan A dark person, dusky, incarnation of Lord Vishnu
mars Krishnaroop Krishnaroop means Dark
mars Krishnath The name means God
mars Krishnav New-age form of Krishna Avatara; An incarnate of Lord Shri Krishna
mars Krishnaveer One who is brave and courageous like Lord Shri Krishna
venus Krishnaveni The name means River
mars Krishneel A variant name of Lord Krishna; It holds a Sanskrit meaning as black or dark
venus Krishnendu Means Lord Krishna
mars Krisi follower of Christ
venus Krisia follower of Christ
venus Krisina follower of Christ
mars Krisjanis Latvian form of Christian.
venus Krisna Indonesian form of Krishna.
venus Krisnarchi the name means Fire
mars Krison Krison means Follower of Jesus
venus Krispy Fresh, super crunchy, Spell variant of crispy
mars Kriss Kriss means Follower of the Christ
venus Krissa follower of Christ
venus Krissie follower of Christ
venus Krissina follower of Christ
venus Krissy follower of Christ
venus Krista Christian
venus Kristabelle ice
venus Kristain follower of Christ
venus Kristaine follower of Christ
venus Kristal ice
venus Kristale ice
venus Kristalee ice
venus Kristalena ice
venus Kristaline ice
venus Kristall ice
venus Kristalyn ice
venus Kristan follower of Christ
mars Kristapor Armenian form of Christopher.
mars Kristaps Bearer of Christ
mars Kristaq Albanian form of Christakis.
venus Kristee follower of Christ
venus Kristeen follower of Christ
venus Kristeena follower of Christ
venus Kristel follower of Christ; ice
venus Kristell ice
venus Kristella ice
venus Kristelle ice; follower of Christ
venus Kristen follower of Christ
venus Kristena follower of Christ
venus Kristene follower of Christ
mars Krister Christ Bearer
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