Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Lumia Snow
venus Lumiere Light
venus Lumina Sunshine
venus Luminara Light
venus Luminita Illuminating
venus Luminosa Full Of Light
mars Lumir Meaning unknown, though possibly related to the Slavic element mirŭ meaning "peace, world". In Czech legend this is the name of a bard.
venus Lumusi One who is born face downward.
venus Luna moon
venus Lunah Muslim name that means Date Palm
mars Lunalilo High, Lost
venus Lunanina She who is like a Moon
venus Lunar Pertaining To The Moon
venus Lunara Kazakh short form of Gulnara It means flower, rose and pomegranate
venus Lunasha A flower's beauty and brightness
mars Lund Sacred Grove Of Trees
venus Lundie marsh
mars Lundur Sacred Grove Of Trees
venus-mars Lundy Grove
venus Luned form of ELUNED - Arthurian heroine
venus Lunet Holy Image
venus Luneta Moon
venus Lunete An image or an idol
venus Luneth moon
venus Lunetta moon
venus Lunette Little Moon
mars Lungile Means "correct, right, good" in Zulu and Ndebele.
venus Luni Salty, Spicy
venus Luningning Means "brilliance" in Tagalog.
venus Lunneta moon
mars Luno One who stares at the Moon
mars Lunt form the grove
mars Luntha A Sanskrit name which means a kind of grass in Sanskrit
venus Luo Chenese name that means Camel
mars Luol Unknown Meaning
venus Lupe From The River Of The Wolf
mars Lupesh A person with auspicious mark; Name of God; energetic and majestic
mars Lupeta River of the wolf
venus Lupica A name given for a Bird; practical
mars Lupin From latin word "lupinus" meanin Wolf
venus Lupine Wolf-like
venus Lupita From The River Of The Wolf
mars Lupus Original Latin form of Loup.
mars Luqa A form of Luke. It means light.
mars Luqmaan Prophet
mars Luqman Unknown
venus Lur Means "earth, ground" in Basque.
venus Lura A Germanic Siren who lives in the river Rhone
venus Lurdes Portuguese variant of Lourdes.
venus Luria A brave lioness
venus Lurlene Temptress, an enchanting woman
venus Lurline A woman who is an enchantness
venus Lusa God is my oath
venus Luseele light
mars Lusela Bear Swings Foot While Licking It
mars Lusha Saffron
mars Lushano A variant of Lusha which means Saffron
venus Lusia A child born at the daybreak
mars Lusian Bretons form of Lucian, meaning light
venus Lusila Chief; Leader; Ruler; Head Person
venus Lusile light
venus Lusine light
venus Lusineh Alternate transcription of Armenian Լուսինե (see Lusine).
venus Lusita light
venus Lusy Modern variation of Lucia means light
mars Lut A person who keeps things hidden
venus Luta Native American - Red; A derivative of the name Lootah; It also has a meaning as Beautiful
mars Lute String instrument; famous warrior
mars Lutero A solrier, warrior in the army
venus Lutessa She who harvestes
mars Lutf Bounty
mars Lutfallah Kindenss of Allah
venus Lutfana A womanwho is kind and always helpful
mars Lutfi grace
venus Lutfia A courteous, kind and delicate person
venus Lutfiya A woman who is kind, delicate and full of grace
venus Lutfiyah Delicate
venus Lutfiye Turkish feminine form of Lutfi.
venus Lutfiyya Delicate woman who is of kind character
mars Lutfu Turkish form of Lutfi.
mars Lutfulbaari The creator is kind
mars Lutfullah God's kindness and gentleness
venus Lutfunnisa A grace that is found in women
mars Lutfurrahman A sign of God's kindness and mercy
venus Lutgard Variant of Lutgarde.
venus Lutgarde Dutch (Flemish) form of Luitgard.
venus Lutgardis Latinized form of Leutgard (see Luitgard). In Flanders this form of the name is common on birth certificates, but it is usually rendered Lutgarde in daily life.
mars Luthando Love
mars Luther People Army
venus Luthera Army Of The People
mars Lutherum To put to slumber, to sleep
mars Luthria Bearer of Aids; It is also a Surname of Indian Origin used in various cultures
venus Lutisha Joy
venus Lutsi Lutsi is a form of Lucy and means light.
mars Luttaka Beautiful; Attractive; Handsome
mars Lutz He who found fame in the battle
mars Luu To come toghether an dcombine forces
mars Luuaet An unsophisticated, tolerant and lonely person
mars Luuarch Loyal, untiring and humble being
venus Luuechild A light hearted, understanding and hard working
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