Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Lamisa Soft
venus Lamita Slim Girl; A Creeper
venus Lamiya Dark lipped woman
mars Lammert Dutch variant of Lambert.
mars Lamon Gentle
mars Lamond Clan name, surname; Lawyer
venus Lamonica advisor
mars Lamont lawyer
mars Lamonte Lawyer
mars Lamorak Brother of Percival from Arthurian Legend
venus Lamorna Name of a place in Cornwall.
mars Lamoroch An Arthurian legend, borother of Percival
mars Lampert Land of the famous; Lamb herd
mars Lamprecht German variant of Lambert.
venus Lamya Dark Complexion
venus Lamzira Sacred place or a place for praying
venus Lan Orchid Flower
venus Lana Light
venus Lanae precious
venus Lanah Light
venus Lanai Terrace, Veranda
venus Lanakila Victory
mars Lanark Small town in Scottish; Clear space, glade
mars Lancdon From the long hill
mars Lance Land
mars Lancel Land
mars Lancelet A servant of royal family, an arthurian Knight
mars Lancelin The one who serves, servant
mars Lancelot Land
mars Lanceor One who holds a spear in battle
mars Land Famous land
venus Landa The white sea bird.
mars Landaine A long hill or a ridge, refers to london
mars Landan He who is from the Long Hill
mars Landbert Land Brilliant
mars Landebert Old German form of Lambert.
mars Landen From The Long Hill
mars Lander Of The Land
mars Landers Descendent Of The Countryside Dweller
mars Landin Of old English origin, means Long Mountain
mars Landis Highwayman
mars Landly A ruler or a noble person who owns land
mars Landmari Famous land, The one who comes from known land
mars Lando Famous Land
mars Landoigne The one who is of known land
mars Landoine A ridge or a long hill
mars Landon From The Long Hill
mars Landor Landowner, occupational name, place name
venus Landra counselor
mars Landrad Land, Counsel
venus Landrada The advice giver, counselor
venus Landree The one who comes of the rough terrain
mars Landreth Name of people who live near the stream, in the galdes
venus Landrey He who is a powerful ruler
venus Landri Land Ruler
mars Landric Germanic name derived from the elements lant "land" and rih "ruler, king".
mars Landrick Land ruler, he who rules the lands
venus Landrie Name that describes people who live on rough terrain
mars Landrus From city Landresse
mars Landry Land Ruler
mars Landsden A long strip of low hills
mars Landulf Old German name derived from the elements lant meaning "land" and wolf meaning "wolf". This name was borne by several Lombard nobles.
venus Landy Ruler with great power
mars Landyn Man coming down from the hill
venus-mars Lane From The Lane
venus Lanea Heavenly flower
venus Laneah Light
venus Lanee Torch
mars Laneetees Big Elk
venus Lanelle Combination Of Of Lana And Elle
venus Lanesha The woman who is strong
venus Lanesia Unknown
venus Lanet idol, shape
venus Lanette idol, shape; idol; linnet, a small songbird; nymph; idol
venus Laney From The Lane
mars Lanford The one who comes from the long ford
mars Lanfranc A speaker, who speaks wisely
mars Lang Tall Man
mars Langden Name describes the one who came from the long hill
mars Langdon Ridge, long mountain
venus Lange Tall person
mars Langer Tall Man
mars Langford From an area with a long river crossing
mars Langham Long farm
mars Langhar A variant spelling of Langar which is name of a community lunch in Sikh religion
venus Langhiue Lasting Life, the one who is tall
venus Langhuie Long life, the lasting one
mars Langi Heaven
mars Langit Heaven or paradise
mars Langith A variant of name Langit meaning Sky, Heaven, Paradise, Firmament
venus Langit Humasna She is alone in heaven
mars Langlea Long field or woodland
mars Langleah From the long meadow
venus Langlee Long field
venus Langleigh Long meadow
venus-mars Langley long meadow
venus Langlie Long field
mars Langlif The one who lives a long life
venus Langliva She who has been gifted the long life
venus Langly People who live on a long meadow
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