Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Mackay A son of fire
venus Mackayla Form of MICHAEL - who is like God
mars Mackean Son of a wealthy man
venus Mackee A fair, favored one
venus Mackena Happy one
venus Mackenna son of the handsome one
venus Mackensi Son of Coinneach
venus Mackensie Form of MACKENZIE - son of a wise ruler, born of fire
mars Mackenze Form of MACKENZIE - son of a wise ruler, born of fire
venus Mackenzey fire-born; son of the wise ruler
venus Mackenzi Form of MACKENZIE - son of a wise ruler, born of fire
venus-mars Mackenzie Son Of Kenneth
venus Mackenzington A person who is kind and warm hearted
venus Mackenzy Form of MACKENZIE - son of a wise ruler, born of fire
venus Mackie Son of Coinneach
venus Mackinley Son of the learned king
mars Mackinney God has heard me.
venus Mackinnon Son of the fair born
venus Mackinzie Form of MACKENZIE - son of a wise ruler, born of fire
mars Mackland Son of the land
mars Macklen The son of Flann
mars Macklin Flann's son
venus Macklyn The son of Flann
venus Mackynzie The son who has a handsome father
mars Maclain The son of John's servant
mars Maclaine Son of the lion
venus Maclaren Son of Laren
venus Maclay An amiable and youthful person
mars Maclean Son Of The Servant Of John
mars Macleod Son of the ugly man
mars Maclovio Gift of God
mars Macmillan Son of a bald man
mars Maco God is with us
mars Macon Mason
venus-mars Maconaquea Captive White One
mars Macoy One from the linden tree hill
venus-mars Macrae Son Of Grace
venus Macrina She who is growing
mars Macsen The greatest one
venus Mactilda Germanic - Strength in Battle; Variant of name Matilda
venus Mactildis Germanic - Strength in Battle; Variant of name Matilda
venus Macuilxochitl Five flowers
mars Macvdeceti A sensitive, decent and good individual
mars Macvtreni One who has a modern attitude and is tolerant
mars Macwan A Scottish Surname which is found mainly in Scottish and Northern Ireland
venus Macy Weapon
venus Macyn Mason
mars Ma'd A name of an old Arabian tribe
venus Mada Furthest Point
mars Madadh Dog, Wolf, Large Canine
venus Madai Means "Medes" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of a son of Japheth said to be the ancestor of the Medes, an ancient people related to the Persians.
venus Madailein Magnigicent one
venus Madalaina woman from Magdala
venus Madaleine Derived from Hebrew origin miqdal meaning 'high tower'or refering to the birth place of Mary Magdelin. Meaning 'from magdala'.
venus Madalen Girl from the tower
venus Madalena woman from Magdala
venus Madalene woman from Magdala
venus Madalie From Madeline, means tower
venus Madalina Of Magdala, a place name that means tower
mars Madalinde Gentle Meeting
venus Madaline From the name Magdaline which comes from the Hebrew 'of magdala' from the Hebrew Migdal meaning 'tower'.
mars Madalitso A blessed person
venus Madalyn Of Magdala
venus Madalynn Of Magdala
mars Madan God Of Love
mars Ma'dan A name of the God of Love
venus Madana A person who heals people
mars Madanagopala A handsome cow-herd
mars Madanapal A Love God
mars Madanapala One who is the King of love
mars Madanbir A person who is both brave and lovable
mars Madangopal One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna signifying him as lover(Intoxicator) of all
mars Madan gopal An name for Lord Krishna
mars Madani A person acting in a civilised manner
venus Madaniya A polished, urbane girl
mars Madanjeet Victory on Cupid; One who has conquered and won love
mars Madanjit Victory on Cupid; One who has conquered and won love
mars Madankirpal A male name of Sikh origin
mars Madanmohan Attractive and Lovable; Pleasing; Appealing; Good Looking
mars Madanpal A name for Cupid who is the God of Love
mars Madanraj Attractive and Lovable; Pleasing; Appealing; Good Looking
mars Madar An obrbit, cycle
venus Madara From the Latvian name for a type of flowering plant, known as cleavers or bedstraw in English.
mars Madasami One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Madava A person who is born in the springtime
venus Madaya A small mountin town in Syria
venus Madchen Means "girl" in German. It is not used as a name in Germany itself.
venus Maddalen Germanic - Magnificent; Italian form of Magdalene
venus Maddalena Of Magdala
venus Maddalene Germanic - Magnificent; Italian form of Magdalene
venus Maddalina One from the tower
venus Maddalyn Girl from a tower
venus Maddelena woman from Magdala
mars Madden Little Dog
mars Maddex A son of a fortunate one
venus Maddi Variant of Mari 3 or Maria.
venus Maddie From the English meaning 'son of Maud
venus Maddisen Son of Maud
venus Maddison Son of Maud
mars Maddix A good and generous person
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