Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Mitun The couple or pair
mars Mituna Wrap Salmon With Willow Stems And Leaves
mars Mitwa A dearest person, the most adorable
mars Mitxel Basque form of Michael.
mars Mitya The god of Earth, mother of earth
venus Mitzee star of the sea
venus Mitzi star of the sea
venus Mitzie star of the sea
venus Mitzy star of the sea
venus Miu Beautiful Feather
venus Miuccia The woman who wished for a child, a virgin
venus Miureall sparkling, shining sea
mars Mivaan The rays of the sun
mars Mivara The capita of ancient Nepal or Mithila
venus Miwa Beautiful Harmony
mars Mixailu Old Church Slavic form of Michael.
mars Mixcoatl Serpent of the sky
mars Mixolydian Musical Scale
venus Miy The one whose father provides joy
venus Miya Sacred House
venus Miyah In French it means the pregnant virgin. In Japanese it means a sacred temple
venus Miyako Beautiful Night
venus Miyana star of the sea
venus Miyanda Of Unknown Meaning
venus Miyanna star of the sea
venus Miyaoaxochitl Maize tassel flower
mars Miyaz The one who is always preferred, The different from others
venus Miyeko Beautiful, Blessed, Child
venus Miyo Beautiful Child
venus Miyoko Beautiful Child
venus Mi Young Everlasting beauty
venus Miyu Beauty, Gentleness & Superiority
venus Miyuki Beautiful, Fortune, Happiness
mars Mizan The right balance, or right scale
mars Mizanurrahman The right measure or balance from the Almighty
venus-mars Mizell Wood Cutter
venus Mizgin Evangel or good news.
mars Mizhir A place that is filled with flowers.
mars Mizn White cloud, or rain-bearing cloud
mars Mizosuaniaka A goal oriented, intense and defined human being
venus Mizquixaual Mesquite face paint
mars Miztli Cougar, Mountain Lion
mars Mizu Water
venus Mizuki Beautiful Moon
venus Mizyal An ambitious and energy driven person
venus Mkpulunma A thing of beauty.
venus Mlada favored
mars Mladen Young
venus Mladena favored
venus Mladenka Feminine form of Mladen.
venus Mlanima Gloomy; Moody; Mixed Emotions
venus Mlathi Jasmine
venus Mliss Flower
venus Mmasichukwu The will of God.
mars Mnadamarut A gentle and pleasant breeze, a light wind
mars Mnason Possibly means "reminding" in Greek. In Acts in the New Testament Paul stays in Jerusalem with a man named Mnason, a Jew who was originally from Cyprus.
venus Mneme Means "memory" in Greek. In Greek mythology she was one of the original three muses, the muse of memory.
venus Mnemosyne Means "remembrance" in Greek. In Greek mythology Mnemosyne was a Titan goddess of memory. She was the mother by Zeus of the nine Muses.
mars Mnojavaya The arrival of love
venus-mars Mo Dark Skinned
venus Moa Mother
mars Moab Of his father
mars Moacir From Tupi moasy meaning "pain, regret". This is the name of the son of Iracema and Martim in the novel Iracema (1865) by José de Alencar.
mars Moalim A Kind-hearted, merciful, gentle person. One who is benign.
venus Moana Ocean
venus Moani Breeze of scent
venus Moanna Ocean
mars Mo'av Biblical Hebrew form of Moab.
mars Moazzam The most beautiful Aroma that is full of wonders.
mars Moazzem A girl likely the sun or as gracious as the sun.
mars Mobeen A beautiful or a pretty lady. One who is calm, pleasing or attractive to the eyes.
venus-mars Mobley From The Clearing With The Mound
mars Mobo Freedom
mars Mobolaji A boy who is born of wealth.
mars Moby Created Name
venus Mocaniya A woman who is benevolent, generous. Possess or manifest love for mankind.
venus Mocca A refined, deep and creative being
mars Mocha Chocolate-coffee flavor
mars Mochan Derived from Irish moch meaning "early" combined with a diminutive suffix.
mars Mochi Japanese Rice Cake
mars Moctezuma Unclear
mars Moda Limited; Relative or Kinsman
mars Modadeola A man wearing a crown of wealth or affluence.
mars Modak Pleasing
venus Modakara The light of the moon
mars Modal Enjoyment
mars Modan The God of love and infatuation
mars Modanatha Hindu Lord of Love and affection
venus Moder A term used to refer a Prince from East-Indian Region. Mehtar is referred to a Prince.
venus Modest Russian form of Modestus.
venus Modesta Modest
mars Modestas Lithuanian form of Modestus.
venus Modeste Mehula is referred to the Rain. It is derived from Sanskrit word "Meh".
venus Modestia modest, without conceit
venus Modestina modest, without conceit
venus Modestine modest, without conceit
mars Modesto Modest
venus Modestus A pleasant light of the moon.
venus Modesty Without Conceit
venus Modha Something as beautiful as moon. Something that we can compare to the elegant beauty of moon.
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