Names starting with the letter N

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter N, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a N. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Natausha The Lord's birthday
mars Natavara The ever best dancer.
venus Natavia A pleasant gift from God
mars Natawar Referring to Lord Krishna.
venus Natawsha The Lord's birthday
venus Natcha Intelligent
mars Nate Diminutive Form Of Nathan Or Nathaniel
venus Nateira Graceful, generous, natural
venus Natela Light, bright
venus Natelea The Lord's birthday
venus Natelie birthday
venus Nately birthday
venus Natesa Dance Lord
mars Natesan The king of dance or Lord Shiva.
mars Natesh The ruler or Shiva the Lord.
venus Natesha Celebration of date of birth.
mars Nateshwar The king of drama.
mars Nateshwara The dancing super star.
mars Nath Master, Ruler, chief, major.
mars Natha God gave child.
mars Nathaar The scattered tiny pieces of something
venus Nathaara Tiny pieces scattered all over
venus Nathacha The one who was born in this world on Christmas day.
venus Nathalee birthday
venus Nathalia birthday
venus Nathalie Born On Christmas Day
venus Nathaliely birthday
venus Nathalija birthday
venus Nathaly birthday
mars Nathan He Gave
mars Nathanael God has given
mars Nathanaell A talent provided by God
mars Nathanahel Form of Nathanael used in the Latin Bible.
mars Nathaneal A precious talent from the God
mars Nathanel The precious gift from the heaven.
venus Nathania God has given
mars Nathanial God has given
mars Nathaniel Gift Of God
mars Nathaniell The reward of God.
venus Nathaniella God has given
mars Nathanielle God has given
mars Nathanna God's precious gift
mars Nathanyell A precious treasure from the God
mars Nathar Spread and distributed.
venus Nathari Prose
venus Natharie Brilliant wisdom, one who is brilliant or wise
mars Nathasami The Lord of the Lords
venus Nathasha The Lord's birthday
venus Nathassha The Lord's birthday
mars Nathavi The Lord Shiva.
mars Natheer Adviser, counsellor, warner.
mars Nathen Giver
mars Nather Something distributed or spread across
mars Nathero Something widely spread
venus Nathifa Pure
venus Nathifah clean, pure
mars Nathim The cool and gentle breeze
mars Nathin The valuable gift from God.
mars Nathir Someone who gives a warning to others.
mars Nathley The birth-day of Jesus
mars Nathon Nathon is a biblical boys name meaning 'God has given'. it is a variant of the name Nathan.
venus Nathra A brief or incomplete view.
mars Nathuram The worshipper of God
mars Nati Born on Christmas day.
venus Natia One who born on the day of Christmas
venus Natifa clean, pure
venus Natifah clean, pure
venus Natila Family member, system, sake, relative, path.
venus Natilea The Lord's birthday
venus Natileah The Lord's birthday
venus Natilee birthday
mars Natilie birthday
venus Natille Variant of Natalie.
venus-mars Natine Of The Natine Tribe
venus Natiqa The person who is brilliant in giving good speech.
venus Natisha birthday
venus Natividad Of The Nativity
venus Natka hope; birthday
mars Natko The upright and moral ruler or monarch.
mars Natkunam The one who possess best moral qualities.
venus Natleah The Lord's birthday
mars Natnael The skills from God.
venus Natori Bird
venus Natosha birthday
venus Natoya Dance, or the one who can dance
mars Natraaj The dancing king.
mars Natraj King among pretenders
mars Natrajan The God Shiva.
venus-mars Natsu Born In Summer
venus Natsuki Vegetables, Greens, Moon
venus Natsuko Summer, Child
venus Natsumi Summer, Beautiful
mars Natsuo Birth of summer
mars Natsuye Summer, Harbor, Branch
mars Nattarasan Monarch, sovereign, ruler, master.
venus Nattie birthday
venus Nattilie birthday
venus Natty birthday
venus Natucha birthday
venus Natura nature
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