Names starting with the letter N

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter N, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a N. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Neerav Silent
mars Neerava A cool and calm person
venus Neerja The lotus bud or lotus blossom.
venus Neeru The shining of the light.
venus Neerudhi Resembling consuming fire.
venus Neesaa Lady, female, damsel.
mars Neesh The one who is quiet and calm.
venus Neesha night
venus Neeshad Blissful, most happy, contented.
mars Neeshal One who has no end
mars Neeshlin One who is born lucky and ambitious
venus Neeta Grace
venus Neetal Never ending, limitless, unlimited.
mars Neeteepa One who is responsible to spread light
venus Neethi The one has decency and good moralities.
venus Neethika The one who is trustworthy and honest.
mars Neethimaran Resembles the beautiful lotus.
venus Neeti Good
mars Neetiman The one who is legalized and endorsed.
mars Neetipal The guardian of rules and regulations.
mars Neetish One who follow the right path
venus Neetu Good
mars Neev A strong foundation
venus Neeva Another name of river Narmada.
mars Neevan The sacred or pure or unpolluted one.
venus Nef The son of brother or sister.
venus Nefeli Cloud
mars Nefen Son of the siblings.
mars Neferkare From Egyptian nfr-kꜣ-rꜥ meaning "the soul of Ra is beautiful", from nfr "beautiful, good" combined with kꜣ "soul" combined with the name of the god Ra. This name was borne by several Egyptian pharaohs.
venus Nefertari Beautiful Companion
venus Neferteri The gorgeous one, prettiest
venus Nefertiri The one who is most gorgeous, attractive and smart looking.
venus Nefertiti The Perfect One Has Arrived
venus Neferuptah From Egyptian nfrw-ptḥ meaning "beauty of Ptah" [1], from nfrw "beauty, perfection" combined with the name of the god Ptah. This was the name of a sister of the pharaoh Neferusobek.
venus Neferure Human being, mankind or woman kind.
venus Neferusobek From Egyptian nfrw-sbk meaning "beauty of Sobek" [1], derived from nfrw "beauty, perfection" combined with the name of the god Sobek. This is the name of the earliest known female pharaoh of Egypt, ruling in the 12th dynasty (19th century BC). Her name is typically found with the hieroglyphs in reverse order, as Sobekneferu, though it is assumed this was only done to place the god's name first in writing.
venus Nefes Breath
venus Nəfəs Means "breath" in Azerbaijani, derived from Arabic نفس (nafas), ultimately related to the root نفس (nafusa) meaning "to be precious".
mars Neff The son of my siblings.
venus Nefise Turkish form of Nafisa.
venus Nefret Beautiful
mars Neftali Struggling
venus Nefyn form of NYFAIN - an early saint
venus Negar The one is very loving and close to heart.
venus Negeen Gem
venus Negida wealthy
venus Negin The priceless gem or valuable gemstone.
venus Negina The precious gemstone
venus Neha Love, Affection
venus Nehal The person who is smart looking and fetching.
venus Nehama The one who gives relaxation.
venus Nehamah comfort, solace
mars Nehan The one who has attractive features.
mars Nehanth Shower of love and affection.
venus Nehara light
venus Neharika Dew
venus Nehayat Last, finish, accomplish, conclusion.
mars Nehchalbir Steady combatant, sturdy fighter.
mars Nehchaljot Steady nimble or firm bright.
mars Nehchalpreet The one who likes to be a truthful person to others.
mars Nehchaltek The one who is a strong believer of God.
mars Nehemiah God Has Comforted
venus Nehir River
venus Nehira light
mars Nehkaam The one who sacrifices his wishes and dreams.
venus Nehla Award, talent, skill, knowledge.
venus Nehora light
mars Nehra Fondness, liking, care, regard.
mars Nehru The one who abides in seaway or water way.
venus Nehshal A limitless person, unending
mars Nehuen A man who is mighty and strong
venus Nehura light
mars Neifion Welsh form of Neptune.
mars Neige Snow
mars Neil champion
venus Neila closing, locking
mars Neilan Victor, overcomer, defender, defeater.
venus Neile champion
venus Neilina champion
mars Neill A person who is always wins
venus Neilla champion; closing, locking
venus-mars Neille champion
mars Neilos Greek name of the Nile River, possibly of Semitic origin meaning "river". In Greek mythology he was the god of the Nile, the son of Okeanos and Tethys.This name was borne by a 5th-century saint who lived in the Sinai Peninsula. It was also borne by a 10th-century Byzantine saint, usually called Nilus in English, who established the monastery at Grottaferrata near Rome.
mars Neils A person who has general authority over others.
mars Neilson Coming from clouds
venus Neima a melody
venus Neina little girl; great-granddaughter
mars Neirin Pleasurable and well known.
venus Neith Ancient Egyptian Mother Goddess
venus Neitya Flower of love
venus Neiv Bright
venus Neiva snow
venus Neive Bright
venus Neives snow
mars Neizan Spanish form of Nathan, reflecting the English pronunciation.
venus Neja Success in Law.
mars Nejc Pet form of Jernej, meaning 'son of Talmai'.
mars Nejeeb The raven, large black bird with a straight bill and long wedge-shaped tail.
venus Nejla A vast peer of the realm.
venus Nejra Sparkle or shine
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