Names starting with the letter N

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter N, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a N. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Niirran A relevant and trustworthy individual
mars Nij By his own, gratitude, grateful.
venus Nija Truth
venus Ni'ja Variation of Nijae (Bend nose shape)
mars Nijad The one who is tallest among the people.
mars Nijah A beautiful rose.
mars Nijamo One who ha governing power
mars Nijat Salvation, or success
mars Nijaz Wish, need, or want
venus Nijaza Wish or need
mars Nijel Winner, conqueror, hero, overcomer.
venus Nijhu The period after sunset and before sunrise.
venus Nijole Victory Of The People
venus Niju Scholar, obfuscator, doctrinaire, obscurantist.
mars Nik The triumphant of the general public.
venus Nika Bringing Victory
venus Nikaia One with a victory
venus Nikaio Who belongs to Daimyo, Japan
mars Nikandr Russian and Ukrainian form of Nikandros.
mars Nikandros Victory of a man
mars Nikanor Victory
venus Nikara Assembly, gathering, group, crew.
mars Nikash Horizon
mars Nikat Miasma, haze, condensation, precipitation, mist.
mars Nikau Name of a palm tree found in New Zealand
venus Nike Victorious
venus Nikeah One who wins a war
venus Nikeeta unconquered
venus Nikeisha Resembling the cinnamon tree.
venus-mars Nikeiza Jesus, Victor Of The People
venus Nikephoros Carrying victory
venus Nikesh Another name for Lord Sri Maha Vishnu.
mars Niket Home
venus Niketa Failed, Unproductive, Vain, Ineffective.
mars Niketan Residence
mars Niketana A mansion or a house
mars Niketas Derived from Greek νικητής (niketes) meaning "winner, victor". Saint Niketas was a 4th-century bishop of Remesiana in Serbia. He is a patron saint of Romania.
mars Nikethan Uniqueness, creativity, innovation, freshness.
mars Nikhael The sea of affection, the ocean of adoration.
mars Nikhalas Approachable, welcoming, pleasant, kindly.
venus Nikhar Prospering, developing, maturing, blooming.
mars Nikhat Near
venus Nikhazia A triumphant woman
mars Nikhil Complete
venus Nikhila Wholesome
mars Nikhilchandra Castle, hall, lodge, grange, house.
mars Nikhilesh Lord of all
mars Nikhileshwara The monarch of whole world.
mars Nikhin The ruler of snakes.
venus Nikhit High-pitched, piercing, harsh, severe.
venus Nikhita Ecosphere, domain, ecosphere, universe.
mars Nikhlesh The Lord of the world
venus Niki people of victory
venus Nikia people of victory
mars Nikias Victory
mars Nikica Croatian and Serbian diminutive of Nikola 1.
mars Nikifor Carrying Victory
mars Nikil The winning person on behalf of people.
mars Nikilan Gorgeous, stunning, fine-looking, handsome.
venus Nikira The victorious human
venus Nikisha Variant of Nakisha.
mars Nikit A good person, best qualities
venus-mars Nikita Unconquerable
mars Nikith The best mankind who possesses ultimate good qualities and attitudes.
venus Nikitha Southern Indian variant of Nikita 2.
venus Nikitta Variation of the name Nikita, Nicole, meaning 'unconquered'.
mars Nikk The one who wins over all
venus Nikkee Victorious people
venus Nikkey Victorious people
venus Nikki Victory Of The People
venus Nikkie Victorious people
venus Nikkita Derived from Old Greek origin meaning 'unconquerable, unconquered'.
mars Nikko The deity of success.
venus Nikkol Victory Of The People
venus Nikkole people of victory
mars Nikkos Victory Of The People
venus-mars Nikky Victorious people
mars Niklaas Triumph which belongs to the nation.
mars Niklas Victorious people
mars Niklaus Victory Of The People
mars Niklavs Latvian variant form of Nicholas.
venus-mars Niko Victory Of The People
mars Nikodem Nikodem is the Polish version of the Greek name Nicodemus which means 'victory of the people'.
mars Nikodemos Ancient Greek form of Nicodemus.
mars Nikodemus Triumph that belongs to the multitude.
mars Nikodim Russian form of Nicodemus.
venus Nikohl Conquest of the people of nation.
venus Nikol people of victory
mars Nikola Victory Of The People
mars Nikolaas Dutch variant of Nicolaas.
mars Nikolai Victorious people
mars Nikolais Estonian form of Nicholas. It means victory of the people.
mars Nikolaj People's triumph
mars Nikolajs A form of Nicholas, meaning people's victory.
mars Nikolao Esperanto form of Nicholas.
mars Nikolaos Victory Of The People
mars Nikolas Victorious people
mars Nikolasz Voice of winning people.
mars Nikolaus Victorious people
mars Nikolay The triumph of the public.
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