Names starting with the letter N

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter N, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a N. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Nividh An information about something
mars Nivik The meeting point of three rivers
mars Nivin The greetings to the God
mars Nivo New
mars Nivraj A good foundation
mars Nivranshu the part of grace of the moon
venus Nivriti Bliss
venus Nivritti Happiness, Repose
venus Nivruti The retirement from life
mars Nivrutt A retired person, Left world for moksha
mars Nivrutti Seperation from world
mars Nix Crimson
venus Nixe night
mars Nixen The Son of Nick
venus Nixie Water Sprite
mars Nixit Something certain to happen
mars Nixon Son Of Nicholas
venus Niya An Irish variant of the name Nia (Celtic and African-Swahilli origin), meaning 'aim', 'purpose', 'radiance', 'shine' and 'beauty'.
mars Niyaaz A desire to offer something to God
venus Niyaf A tall and pretty girl
venus Niyah A variant of the name Nia, meaning 'aim' or 'purpose'.
mars Niyan The eyes of a person
mars Niyas Offerings to Almighty
venus Niyath The intentions or the aim or someone
venus Niyati Fate
mars Niyaz Something offered to the Almighty
venus Niyla A winner of a gracious personality
venus Niyoosha A patient listener, a careful listener
mars Niyor Dew drops
venus Niyyat A person's intentions
venus Nizah One who blossom
mars Nizal A contest or someone who is striving for
mars Nizam An arrangement or an order of something
mars Nizamat The organization or the arrangements
mars Nizamuddin One who looks after the religious arrangements
mars Nizamulmulk The governor of a country
venus Nizana Flower Bud
mars Nizar Little
venus Nizha A delightful, clean or cleanliness
mars Nizhalgal A shadow, similar to the person
venus Nizhoni Pretty
mars Njal The one who wins the contest.
venus Njala Icelandic feminine form of Njáll.
mars Njall Old Norse form of Niall (see Neil). This is the name of the hero of a 13th century Icelandic saga, based on the life of a 10th-century Icelandic chieftain.
venus Njema Good
venus Njeri Daughter of a warrior.
mars Njinga To Wrap Around, Twist
venus Njoki She who returned.
venus Njood Highland or the plateaus
mars Njord From Old Norse Njǫrðr, derived from Proto-Germanic *Nerþuz. It might derive from the Indo-European root *hnerto- meaning "strong, vigorous". Njord was the Norse god associated with the sea, sailing, fishing and fertility. With his children Freyr and Freya he was a member of the Vanir gods.
mars Njorðr Old Norse form of Njord.
venus Nkauj Means "woman, girl" in Hmong.
mars Nkazimulo Means "glory, brightness" in Zulu.
venus Nkechi God's Gift
venus Nkechinyere God's pleasure which came to this world.
venus Nkemdilim Means "that which is mine belongs to me" in Igbo.
venus Nkiru The greatest will come
venus Nkiruka The greatest will come
mars Nkomo Cattle
mars Nkosana Means "prince" in Xhosa.
venus Nkosazana Means "princess" in Xhosa.
mars Nkosi Law and regulations.
mars Nkruma Means "ninth born child" in Akan.
mars Nkrumah The 9th born child.
mars Nnamdi My father is still abides.
venus Nneka My mother is the highest
venus Nneke Prominent Mother
venus Nnena Like Grandmother
venus Nnenia Looks Like Grandmother
venus Nnenna Paternal Grandmother
venus Nnenne Mother of my mother
venus No A female form of the names Noe and Noah, meaning of 'comfort'.
venus Noa Movement
venus No'a Biblical Hebrew form of Noah 2.
mars Noach Peace, Rest
mars Noadiah Meeting With The Lord
mars Noah Rest, Peace
mars Noak Relief, well being or dwelling peacefully
mars Noam Pleasantness
venus Noami pleasant
mars Noapeh Soldier Troop
mars Nobat Chance, occasion, opening.
venus-mars Nobel Noble, Good Character
mars Noble Nobility
mars Noboru Rise, Ascend
mars Nobu Prolong, Stretch
mars Nobuhide Faithfulness, Trust
venus Nobuko Faith, Child
mars Noburu Expand
mars Nobutoshi From Japanese 信 (nobu) meaning "trust" and 敏 (toshi) meaning "quick, clever, sharp". Other kanji combinations can also form this name.
venus Nobuye Faith, Blessed
mars Nobuyuki Truth, Happiness
mars Nochehuatl Constant
venus Nochtli Prickly pear fruit
venus Nocturna Of The Night
mars Noda Famous, Recognized
mars Nodens Possibly from the old Celtic root *snowdo- meaning "mist, haze" [1]. Alternatively it might be related to the Indo-European root *neud- meaning "to acquire, to use" [2]. This is the name of a Celtic god associated with healing, hunting and fishing. He is known from a shrine excavated at Gloucestershire, where the name is only found in the dative forms Nodenti and Nodonti. He probably forms the basis for the legendary figures of Nuada (Irish) and Nudd (Welsh).
mars Nodin Windy Day
mars Nodir Uzbek form of Nadir.
venus Nodira Uzbek feminine form of Nadir.
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